Comeragh Mountains Ireland

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The Comeragh Mountains stretch from the coast near Dungarvan inland (county Waterford) as far as Clonmel. Close to the middle part of the Comeragh range, there is a boggy plateau, while the outer part of the montains features rocky coums filled with a wonderful assortment of little Loughs. One of those loughs is called Crotty's Lough, named after an outlaw who hid in this remote region. There are other scenic loughs in the mountains include Coumstillogue, Coumalocha, Coumfea, and Coumtay. For the explorering hiker there a numerous forest trails, some affording easy access, which lead to those hidden gems. It can be adventurous hiking those trails and finding one of those many loughs. Most of the lakes are corrie lakes, scooped out by melting glaciers during the great ice age.


Coumshingaun Loop Walk takes about 4 hour to circumvent the 7.5 km route around a natural amphitheatre of splendor, which travels around Coumshingaun Corrie Lake and the surrounding mountains. Coumshingaun is one of the finest examples of a corrie or coum in Europe and the Comeragh mountains most famous landmark, which is popular for both hikers and climbers alike with some great rock climbs around the steep sides of the cliffs surrounding the lake.


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