For My Friends Trees 🌳

„Oh, this is our home
She gives us home, Mother Earth
Can you feel her heartbeat
Beneath your feet?”

I woke up to the chirping of birds and decided to go to the bank of the Tisa river for a walk, to dedicate my mantras to birds and trees in my hometown. I sat on the shore and enjoyed the sunshine and the caress of the wind. I was in my favorite „dreaming“ secret place from my childhood and early teens.


Suddenly I saw my friend lying lifeless and pointing at me in the direction of the forest: “There are even more of us there! They killed us all! ”


I closed my eyes and visualized my heart chakra merging with the soul of the tree. If we feel the language of love, every tree can understand us. I headed towards the forest to see what my friend wanted to show me and I came across another friend, whose physical body is no longer alive.


Why? For whom?

I started singing the lyrics of one of my favorite songs:

“Listen to the animals,
listen to the trees
Listen to the Spirit of the deep
Beging us please stop listening to greed .. ”

I turned to the other side and saw a whole cemetery of trees under my feet ...


In a book about shamanic customs, I read that everything you take from nature and do not use, you are obliged to give it back to nature. First of all, you take from nature only when you really need something.

“But we don’t listen
We burn and we break
And we take, and we take, and we take
Till it’s too late ... ”

In this "waste of nature that people are currently trampling on", my very dear mushroom friends could be ideally cultivated:


I realized what they were trying to explain to me when I was chanting on the river bank ...


“Ooohh, where did the beasts go?
Where did the trees go?
Where will man go?
When he has lost the heartbeat
Beneth his feet? ”



I asked light beings from higher dimensions to show the souls of the trees the way to the source.



With the Shiva mantra, I slowly found a balance between anger and sadness and looked to see this situation with a feeling of love:

A man makes toilet paper from Amazon rainforests ...

A man makes shoes from crocodile ...

Elephants and a lions are killed by a man in order to hang certain parts of them on the wall and „to be more“ in front of another man ...

But I think ... how could a man feel love for nature and animals, when he throws atomic bombs at himself! ??

I care about the Planet, not about human.

“Listen to the rivers,
Listen to the sea
Listen to the Spirits of the deep
Begging us please

I headed home down the embankment by the river. I listened to what my heart whispered, what wildflowers whispered, what the clouds and the sun's rays felt.

They are all on the frequency of the same thought:

"The planet needs love. The planet needs light. ”



5D 🌊🌳🦋👁🕉☀️🌺👫🐬🍄🧘‍♀️☮️🧘🍃🐿🐝🕊

I begging you please
stop listening to greed 🙏🌍


Serbian Version

„Oh, this is our home
She gives us home, Mother Earth
Can you feel her heartbeat
Beneath your feet?”

Ustala sam na cvrkut ptica i odlučila da odem do obale Tise da se prošetam, da posvetim svoje mantre pticama i drveću u mom rodnom gradu. Sela sam na obalu i uživala u sunčevim zracima i milovanju vetra. Nalazila sam se na mom omiljenom tajnom mestu za sanjarenje iz detinjstva i ranih tinejdzerskih dana.


Odjednom sam ugledala mog prijatelja kako leži beživotno i pokazuje mi u pravcu šume: “Tamo nas ima još više! Sve su nas pobili!”


Zatvorila sam oči i vizualizovala kako se moja srčana čakra spaja sa dušom drveta. Ako osećamo jezik ljubavi, svako nas drvo može razumeti. Krenula sam prema šumi da vidim šta je moj prijatelj hteo da mi pokaže i naišla sam na još jednog prijatelja, čije fizičko telo više nije živo.


Zašto? Zbog čega? Za koga?

Počela sam da pevušim stihove jedne od mojih omiljenih pesama:

“Listen to the animals,
listen to the trees
Listen to the Spirit of the deep
Beging us please stop listening to greed..”

Okrenula sam se na drugu stranu i ugledala čitavo groblje drveća pred mojim nogama...


U jednoj knjizi o šamanskim običajima čitala sam da sve što uzmes od prirode a ne iskoristiš, obavezan si sa joj vratiš. Kao prvo, od prirode uzimaš samo kada ti je nešto stvarno potrebno, a ne kada si lenj da izmisliš nešto čime prirodu ne bi morao da uništavaš.

“But we don’t listen
We burn and we break
And we take, and we take, and we take
Till it’s too late...”

U ovom “otpadu prirode po kom ljudi trenutno gaze” mogle bi se idealno kultivisati moje srcu vrlo drage prijateljice pečurke:


Skontala sam šta su mi pokušavale objasniti malopre, dok sam matrala na obali reke...


“Ooohh, where did the beasts go?
Where did the trees go?
Where will man go?
When he has lost the heartbeat
Beneth his feet?”



Zamolila sam svetlosna bića iz viših dimenzija da pokažu dušama drveća put do izvora.



Uz Shiva Mantru polako sam pronalazila balans izmedju besa i tuge i gledala da sa osećajem ljubavi sagledam i ovu situaciju: od amazonskih prašuma čovek pravi wc papir...
Od krokodila čovek napravi čizme...
Slona i lava čovek ubija da bi njihove odredjene delove okačio na zid i da bi time bio nešto više pred drugim čovekom...
Ali mislim... kako bi čovek mogao da oseti ljubav prema prirodi i životinjama, kada sam na sebe baca atomske bombe!??

Brinem se za Planetu, ne za čoveka.

“Listen to the rivers,
Listen to the sea
Listen to the Spirits of the deep
Begging us please

Uputila sam se kući nasipom pored reke. Slušala sam šta mi srce šapuće, šta šapuće poljsko cveće, šta osećaju oblaci i sunčevi zraci.

Svi oni su na frekvenciji ove misli:
“Planeti je porebna ljubav. Planeti je potrebno svetlosti.”


5D 🌊🌳🦋👁🕉☀️🌺👫🐬🍄🧘‍♀️☮️🧘🍃🐿🐝🕊

I begging you please
stop listening to greed 🙏🌍

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