Daily Nature Fix: Bison in Yellowstone. (Original Photos)

Time for some nature, ya'll. Tonight's Daily Nature Fix is about my favorite land mammal that is native to North America. It is also the largest one as well. It is the bison.


These photos were taken in Yellowstone National Park. While a herd of bison isn't really a rare site in Yellowstone, I still get super excited when we see them. Like I said, they're my favorite native land mammal. I don't know what it is that I like so much about them, really. I think it's just that they are so big and powerful, nearly 2,000lbs of pure muscle; yet they seem so chill. I suppose I would be super chill too if I knew I could seriously fuck up everything in site, if I wanted to.... and they can certainly do just that.


Overall, I'd still consider them to be gentle giants. Maintain your distance, respect their enormous power, and don't spook them. Those are good rules to follow when it comes to bison, or any wild animal really.


Though those are pretty simple and common-sense rules, people are idiots... much like these stupid twats in the photo above. What you cant see in this photo, is right in the center there is a car SUPER close to the herd. The lady driving got out and started taking pictures and was no more than 5 feet away from a large bull! I was waiting for it to stomp her into the ground. And every time a tourist gets attacked, they make it seem like the animals are out of control. :-/


After about 15 minutes of waiting for the big, furry roadblock to clear, the herd slowly moseyed their way off into the surrounding countryside. I seriously can't wait to get back to Yellowstone and visit these awesome animals again.

Thanks for reading! I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and resteem if you found it especially interesting! Be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss out on your nature fix! See you tomorrow. - Adam

*** These daily blogs showcase the natural world. It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels. ***

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