Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #758 - by Allmonitors

#758 - Sunset shots in Liwliwa Zambales.

Greetings once again this Tuesday evening dearest Hiveans. It is almost the end of the month already just a couple more days. I am already excited of going back to the province to see my mother who is recovering from stroke. She is doing well already according to my sister who is among those taking care of her. We are going there on March 5 in the evening but in the morning I still have go fetch the brother of my mother in law at the airport because they are arriving for a month of vacation. Her brother is already in a wheelchair so it will be a challenge for us when we are in the airport and that's why a male relative from their hometown is coming to assist us when the time comes.

For our shots tonight we got here some captures taken when we went to visit the beach of Liwliwa in Zambales. The spot is famous for surf enthusiasts and just about anybody who like saltwater. We only stayed there overnight but we used most of the time to get the best out of it. During the afternoon before the sun sets, my wife and I are already on the beach so as other people.


There are group of friends walking along the shore too just having a good time taking photos while the sun is almost out for the day in the background.

The waves are strong but there's only a few surfers riding their boards during this time. Most of the people are just chilling on the shallow area just past the strong waves going to the shore.

Here's the wife doing some pose in the next two frames. This travel was actually decided all of a sudden. There were supposed to be others joining us so we can save some but they didn't pursue so it's just the two of us that came here.


This is just me standing there 😂. There were other people behind who are also having a good relaxing afternoon on the sands.


And lastly a couple more shots of the wife. The sands here are not fine in texture. There are big peebles and some rocks too. Speaking of fine grain of sands it's going to be Siargao for me. Dogs are also seen here roaming around with their humans. Those two love to play or fool around just on the shallow part where the waves try to meet the sands.


Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Zambales, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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