Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #653 - by Allmonitors

#653 - Haight's place. Travel shots for Saturday.

A pleasant evening dear Hiveans. The weather was still gloomy and rainy early morning here but then at around eight the sun came out a bit to say high and then disappears because of the rain clouds. The sun just pops out every now and then the whole day depending on the clouds that come up. It's relatively better compared to the past few days where there's rain and strong winds most of the day. And we are about to face another typhoon which will enter the country later tonight or early dawn. The local forecast calling it Falcon like the bird haha. Well hope it's not as strong as the recent typhoon Egay, people need to recover in the north and it's sad that there are those who passed away because of this natural calamity.

Oh just wanted to share too that my wife and I are on a 24 hours fasting since 8am today and will resume eating tomorrow at eight also. Bit we will go to the University near us for a quick walk first to sweat out since it's been a while that we haven't perspire.

Speaking of nature, we have here some shots taken in the highlands when we went there for a day of stay. Our main goal was to climb the Mount Timbak the next morning but since we arrived in the afternoon, we first went to visit a farm not far. There's a 100 pesos of entrance fee to see the farm called Haight's place. The farm has a vast plantation of flowering plants and here are some of the plants.


They also have a few Sakura 🌸 plants there which are still young and already have several flowers and buds which are visited by bees and other insects attracted to the smell of the pink flowers. The old lady who is the farm owner says it has been years since their Japanese counterparts come to visit and help with the growth and cultivation of the plants since they are the experts. Because of the pandemic the Japanese didn't had a chance to come she said bit hopefully this year or next they can find a way and time to visit.



Don't mind me haha. It was actually a bit cold and there's fog too in this hilly area or mountainous area I should say.

This is the welcome sign that you are already inside the property. The signs are attached to the small pine trees.

The farm has this small tractor also but seems dilapidated already and hasn't been used for some time by the looks of it. They are also in the process of building a house in the farm.

They have these kinds of plants that seem to have been frozen because of the white colors but it is actually their natural color. I thought it was because of frost since the temperature here is cold most of the time and there's also hail every now and then.

And there's again me in the middle of the white daisies. It's lovely seeing lots of flowers around you and why not have an opportunity to have a photo taken as a remembrance.

Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Itogon Benguet, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z3 flip phone. ~rex

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