Storm Ciarán is here - High winds, heavy rain, hail and snow

Storm Ciarán Is Here



I could tell there was something different about the look of the clouds earlier today. It was distant but gigantic the size of a sub-continent reaching tens of thousands of miles into the atmosphere. It was deep grey with layered edges. It looked like cotton-wool soaked in brackish water.

The rain came down suddenly an heavily. It caught me bang in the middle of my walk and I had to find some shelter to keep from getting totally drenched. When the downpour let up a little, I continued to jog home instead of walk, but for the next batch of water got dumped on us.

All this weather we've been having has been the harbinger of Storm Ciaran. It touched ground in the south west today but, thankfully, we will not be getting the full hit here in London apparently. Other parts of England and northern France are being hit pretty badly, even though the eye of the storm is still in the Atlantic as I type this. I saw a simulation of the trajectory of the storm and it seems the eye will glide across south England in the next few hours. For those in Austria, Italy and Switzerland, it's going to be heavy snow in the coming days as the winds bash into the Alps.


The government has put out of flood warning for parts of the country. Social media is full of posts from different affected parts of the country, especially the coastline towns, of giant waves battering the beaches and promenades. I just hope it doesn't do too much damage in those parts. A lot of those towns depend on their tourism especially vintage buildings and structures.

Looks like Thursday will be a day in. I may miss my walk if the rain doesn't let up. Perhaps it's time to do some indoor aerobics for a change.

Peace & Love,


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