How Do I Creatively Support My Mental Health


Promoting Our Mental Health

Mental Health, something we all have, something that we all need to care for, yet those words are still frowned about by some. It is so natural to hear people talk about their physical health , yet when some one mentions mental health so many people get uncomfortable. It is almost like it is a dirty word.

Because of this, so many people shy away from discussing their mental health and those that openly suffer with their mental health are more than likely to be treated disrespectfully and are segregated from society. There is so much stigma associated with mental health, and that stigma is so damaging.

The first line of treatment is always with pharmaceuticals, which can have so many side effects that they just increase the amount of difficulties that a person with mental health problem experiences. And then there is the dependency that occurs when you are prescribed these medications. It is so important to promote holistic treatments and also to promote self care. We are living in a time where so many hand over the responsibility of their health to others. There needs to be more focus on empowering people, educating them on the different ways that they can support their mental health.

Thank you so much @naturalmedicine for creating this amazing contest, helping us to educate one another, to empower one another.

How Do I Creatively Support My Mental Health

When I read this contest, I immediately thought of how I like to see myself as water, to allow my emotions to flow, to remain open and always embrace that which comes my way, even if it is difficult. I have had a lot of challenges come into my life these last 2 years. I have lost a wonderful friend to Cancer, whilst discovering that my sister is living with cancer as well. This last year I have spend between Spain and Ireland, visiting my sister and family. Earlier this year I also discovered my father has developed early onset dementia and within the last 3 months I split from my partner of 11 years after he began a relationship with another woman. A very young women at that.

So yes I have had periods lately where I have felt very very wobbly. Where I have cried and cried and yelled and yelled, all the while releasing the mammoth amount of emotions that have coursed through my being.

It is so important for me to allow myself to feel everything, to close my eyes and imagine myself as a waterfall or as the Zambezi River in full force meandering but always flowing, always always flowing. I have written before about the healing power of water, about my relationship with it. I have also written a lot on here about how nature has always been my sanctuary, from a very young age when I had to deal with domestic abuse. But I am not going to be talking about that again here, well a little, read on and you will see.

Today I wish to discuss the secret power that we all hold within us, something that we can all access and tap into and help to empower ourselves along the way.

So what is this wondrous thing that I speak of?

It is our IMAGINATION, the power of our beautiful minds, something so simple, yet so powerful!

And so many of us over look it, as it is something that we are discouraged from using as we get older. Yet when we look at many types of natural healing, when we explore the idea of meditation, of vision quests, of psychedelics it is our imagination that we are tapping into again. Our imagination can take us places that allow us to have more control over our feelings, our emotions. Just like I mentioned earlier, how I imagine myself as water, when I need to embrace and accept my emotions. Just like I imagine myself a tree, if I need to draw on my core strength, if I need to be more grounded.

If I am feeling overwhelmed by all that is happening I imagine myself releasing all those things, that have dragged me down, those worries, I release them out into the earth, to the soil, where they can be held and nurtured, where they can be held dormant until I am ready to deal with them.

I close my eyes and I visualize what it is that I need in that moment to help and guide me, for me it is all about the elements , my natural world. For it is there I gather my strength, it is there that I feel held, but it is with my beautiful mind that I can connect to all of that. It is myself that will ultimately heal me and myself that has always healed me.

When we are younger it is our imagination that we use to help us problem solve, to help us find our way in the world. It widens our perspective of the world and it is limitless. Using our imagination allows us to create more space for ourselves, to not just limit ourselves to our physical form. It allows us to look at things from a different perspective, allowing us to create and explore within those spaces that we have given ourselves.

It allows me to feel more connected with nature, so that no matter where I am or whether I am by myself I never feel alone.

Feeling lonely and isolated has such a huge affect on our mental health. But when you open yourself up to the healing energies that we share with nature you realize that you are never truly alone. I know that I am never truly alone.


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