New Recipe for CBD Infused Lotion Bars

I'm passionate about the CBD lotions I make. They help not only my own aches and pains, but those of friends and family too.

Today, I've made a three-in-one recipe. A little more than a kilo of product, split into three - two with a high CBD content and 1 with a super-high CBD content.


The first two will be made into my usual lotion bars - one in the 'Naked' range, with nothing added, and the other will have Essential Oils added.

The third will probably be a 'Naked' one too. This one has 1500mg CBD per 50g of product. That works out to a 3% content (3000mg CBD/100000mg product).

I make a 'Naked' range simply because some people have adverse affects from the Essential Oils and I really want to avoid any discomfort for any of my customers.

The recipe is a result of hours of mixing, testing and trials, not to mention giving samples out to potential clients.


'Naked' CBD Infused Lotion Bars
Shea Butter
Cocoa Butter
Sunflower Lecithin
Vegetable Glycerine
CBD Isolate (0 THC)

To start, you'll need a double boiler - a pan of water and a mixing bowl that sits on top.

I set the water boiling and then drop the heat so the water simmers but isn't bubbling furiously under the mixing bowl.

The heat reduces the solid ingredients to liquid in a short time, so keep an eye on things. Some of my mixing bowls have been reformed by the heat and the vacuum effect of the water bubbling up out of the pan.


The aroma of the ingredients is delicious, of course. I test the mixture on my skin to make sure that it feels good. Too much beeswax and it leaves a residue that I don't like on my skin, but it does hold in moisture, so some may prefer it.

I have to say, my skin is amazing just lately. I usually suffer from sunburn, but even after being out for hours in the sunshine this Spring, I've not had any issue. I'm putting it down to the effects of the butters in the recipe, not to mention the CBD isolate's soothing effects on the dermis and epidermis.

Measure the CBD isolate carefully - I use a delicate scale for this, measurements to 0.001g.


Cocoa butter is solid and unyielding, whereas Shea butter has a softer consistency. I use them in equal measure in most of my recipes.

Beeswax takes the longest to melt. I use locally-sourced beeswax whenever possible.


Lecithin and glycerine are added once the mixture has melted.

Adding the CBD isolate to the mixture takes patience. Allow the mixture to cool a little before adding it and then make sure it's mixed in completely. I use an electric mixer.

The CBD Isolate I use is oil-soluble, not water soluble and therefore, it's dissolved by the oils in the butters.

The last thing to do is to pour the mixture into the moulds. Mine go into the refrigerator to set quickly. Once they are cold and solid, I pop them out of the moulds.



The 2% CBD-Infused lotion bars cost approximately £2 each and are sold by weight. The 3% bars cost approximately £3 each

I can make any of the recipes to order, of course, if a higher content of CBD is required.

Naked Lotion Bars

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