Rescue Mission on Nanga Parbat - Elisabeth Rescued to Skardu

Tomek Mackiewicz and Elisabeth Revol are in need of help on Nanga Parbat. They launched summit-push from C3 (7300m) on Jan 25th. While precise details of summit-push are unavailable at the moment (reports say, they made it to the summit), it’s known that Tomek suffered altitude sickness on the way back. He became snow blind and suffered frostbites.

On January 26th, the home-team of two climbers initiated a funding request to arrange helicopter rescue. They planned to pick up a group of climbers from K2 BC (members of Polish winter expedition) and fly to Nanga Parbat. The rescue mission is currently underway.

After initial delay, two helicopters finally flew to K2 BC this noon. They picked up four men, Denis Urubko, Adam Bielecki, Piotr Tomala and high altitude medical specialist Jarosław Bator; returned to Skardu, refuelled and dropped the men at the base of Kinshofer route on Nanga Parbat, at around 4900m. Given the weather conditions and topography of the mountain, presumably the helicopter couldn't set off rescue team any higher.

Denis and Adam started the sprint up the mountain immediately, while Tomala and Bator stayed behind. As per latest update, the lead climbers have reached above 5800m. They intend to continue the ascent throughout the night. Having spent nights at 6300m on K2 and availability of bottled oxygen if required, Denis and Adam are well prepared for the task. They are extremely strong and well experienced for such a mission.

Kinshofer route is quite complicated in lower section of the mountain; steep slope, possibility of blue ice and the rocky Kinshofer Wall. However, it’s reported that the route is in good condition.

Meanwhile, on the mountain, Tomek Mackiewicz' last location is from yesterday (Jan 26th) morning. He was assisted down to tent at 7200m, and was suffering from Altitude Sickness. Elisabeth continued the descent and spent night at 6700m (possibly without a tent). In last text message this morning, she said, "I am OK, very thirsty and hungry." Although, several of her toes were frostbitten. The French lady intended to continue descent till the point, she could find old fixed ropes.

The weather on Nanga Parbat is not favourable at the moment. Hurricane winds sweep slopes of the mountain. Although route from C1 to C2 is a somewhat protected.

Kinshofer route

The Kinshofer Wall

Climbers between C1 and C2

Weather-Forecast at 7500m altitude on Nanga Parbat


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