Photo Fun Contest - Week 9 Theme of the week ... "I am guilty of..” ~ Almost Dying from the FLU!~

You see what happened was...

@theleapingkoala has this contest "Dr. TLK _ Curation Contest: Help me to Thank you # 4"
where they share love and I want to participate in their contest because they have given me lots of love and I really appreciate them.


@leyargoz and @sol25 have #mydailypost and Sunday is free topic. I have not been posting much since I was so sick and wanted to post to them too.


I made a post this past week called Mardi Gras Food Fun and in the comments @chetanpadliya invited me to his contest called Selfie with fruit challenge but I do not like taking selfies. I had an idea for one (me smiling with an orange rind on my teeth) but I missed the deadline but that contest was more about the photo than the story.

Then @Claudiaz had a post in photography on discord about his new contest Photo Fun Contest - Week 9 – “I am guilty of…..” and things I am guilty of ... well suffice it to say I really don't want the whole world to know ...

Then I had an idea. I can tell my orange story with photos and tag everybody!


I am indeed guilty of almost dying from the 2018 Flu.
Tiz true...

fruit bowl .jpg

What happened was...

I had done a contest called #footinframefriday and the day that I posted the winners, was day one of being very very sick. I wont go into the TMI parts but it was awful. It was the worst flu I have ever had. It hurt so bad. As a diabetic, I knew I had to eat but couldn't so I was drinking pink grapefruit juice diluted 50% with water. I normally drink it 90% water/10% juice. My blood glucose level (BGL) was lower than normal but still in the "ok" range. On the third day of being sick, my BGL stayed quite low (in the 80's) but I could hardly lift my head.

Anyway, I have a house guest staying with me for a bit. His first wife was very diabetic and he was quite concerned about me. He had the flu too. Everybody at my house had it. But he had me checking my blood sugar almost hourly.

At about 3 am, he came to check on me and said that I smelled like his ex-wife did when she went into a diabetic coma. He tried to get me awake and I was uncooperative. He got me into the chair by my bed and all I wanted to do was lay back down. He got me awake enough to check my blood sugar but I was delirious. I didn't even know my own dog's name. (Her name is Sweet Tea). She was running back and forth and I couldn't call her name. My blood glucose level was 42. That is half the low end of normal (80). I was on the verge of diabetic coma.

He made some sugar water and tried to get me to drink it but I couldn't. He knew I love oranges and cut some up in wedges and made me bite down on it. I was able to eat them with lots of encouragement and then drink some of the sugar water. Before long he helped me get my BGL back up and I was able to comprehend again and I was no longer combative and delirious. When my BGL was back up to 100 (that is a good number) he let me go back to bed.

sliced oranges.jpg

In the morning, it all felt like a dream. But there were the orange peels beside my keyboard on my desk. I don't cut my oranges that way. When I eat an orange, I cut it in half. The peels on my desk were wedges. Physical evidence that it was not a dream.

orange peels.jpg

I am very thankful to be alive. I know that had he not been here and not checked in on me, I would have died. I thank God he was here.

Because of him having prior experience with a diabetic coma situation and having the knowledge of what to do, I am here today.

By the way, I am guilty of loving oranges too..

Tiz true.

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