My 'addiction' - being barefoot!

In a previous post I shared a little about my barefoot adventures with my fellow Steemians. So some of you already know about the subject of my entry into @claudiaz #myaddictioncontest Photo Fun Contest. I could also have chosen other #addictions, like abstract art painting, collecting and painting stones, photography, being in nature, being with animals - but as this is probably my most 'unusual' addiction, let's go with the feet!

So, then, I am a confirmed barefoot addict. I can think of far worse things to be addicted to, as it's really a very healthy activity which has improved my fitness and wellbeing massively over the last 10+ years, so despite the flack I get for being a 'weirdo', it's all good! I really do NOT enjoy wearing shoes - I feel so much lighter and more graceful barefoot... So here are a few photos of me barefooting. Wish me luck in the contest - and good luck everyone else!

With love,

Jay x

My hardworking soles

Barefoot selfie beside our traditional Derbyshire stone Pig Sty

Gardening barefoot - the tree surgeon was a bit shocked!

Barefoot in the snow with Sunny, my special needs foster son Brahma cockerel

Barefoot in the garden with Spud, a wild field vole who lives in a hole

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