My 2018: A Tour around my town: Afternoon Street Shopping


Lately, i have new activity in the afternoon, that is cycling. This afternoon, I cycled from my house in Lampaseh Kota along the road of Ulee Lheu. Cycling while enjoying the beautiful sunset became my choice of cycling along this road.

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Ulee Lheu beach located in Banda Aceh City, the capital of Aceh province, Indonesia has its own uniqueness from other beaches in Banda Aceh. In the afternoon various activities are here. From food vendors, clothing merchants, fishers and many people who just want to be on the sidewalk street overlooking the sea spend the afternoon while enjoying the sunset.

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Driving along the road of Ulee Lheu, we will meet various kinds of foods, bags and clothing sellers, and other various merchandise. This steet shopping start after Ashar prayer or 16.00 and close before sunset or at 18.30.

Clothing sellers hawking their wares along the roadside in cars, on sidewalks, even in trees, So also food vendors. We will find various kinds of foods and drinks along the road to Ulee Lheu beach, all the things must be cheap.

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If you visit Banda Aceh... do not miss the experience of enjoying the beautiful sunset on Ulee Lheu beach while enjoying crispy snacks and fresh coconut water.


this is my second entry I made in participation of a contest held by @anomadsoul in

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