Green Music | Reduce Reuse Recycle Song for Kids by The Kiboomers

#GreenMusic of the Week


Everyweek, we scout and share an inspiring environmental music that can inspire and uplift you to go green during the week. At @thegreens, we promote environmental music and so far, we have over 9 songs we have created.
This week, we bring you Reduce Reuse Recycle by The Kiboomers

Enjoy this great piece and remember to join us on the 18th of March to commemorate the Global Recycling Day

If you a fan of inspiring music, visit the Colby and Awu website and download the Change the World Album

Colby and Awu are The Greens’ International Ambassadors. Colby is an American rapper and lyricist based out of Phoenix, Arizona with a passion for peace and social justice. Awu is a vocalist and guitar player from Bamenda, Cameroon whose love for music is second to none. Their music is a blend of pop and hip-hop, mixed in with some African roots. They always provide a message that is socially and spiritually conscious. Their purpose for creating music is to uplift humanity and inspire action for positive change.
Follow Colby and Awu on Youtube
Follow Colby Jeffers, @thegreens International Coordinator to enjoy music that inspires and uplifts the spirit on Youtube

The Greens' 10 Years Achievements

Below are some of our achievements after 10 years of service to people and the planet.

Enjoy good #GreenMusic here:
Enjoy our Poetic achievements here:
You can enjoy our ARTchievements here:
Learn more about our Radio Achievements here;
You can read our Tire Upcycling creativity here;
You can read our 10 Years Environmental Education achievement here;
You can read our 10 Years Tree Planting accomplishment here;

Support us on GivingWay

Support our fundraising campaign on @fundition (#fundition):!/@thegreens/yoavoo0kn

Learn more about @thegreens' 10th Anniversary Celebration and support them here:

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The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.

The Greens' Blogs

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