WANDERING SOUL | a real life, music video series . follow the journey...

MODERN DAY JESTER presents "WANDERING SOUL" a brand new unique, original, artistic, real life music video series.

This is a project i have been working on for the last 12 months and is all about a real life journey of my life. This is the first 3 parts, each Chapter consists of 12 parts, part 4 will be released this wednesday afternoon, then a new part will be uploaded every Friday afternoon.
MODERN DAY JESTER is all about expressing, inspiring, creating, mental health and being part of a family network.

I've always wanted to help others in life and i will be launching my own clothing label in 2020 under my brand
MODERN DAY JESTER at the end of the year. This will help fund events & festivals for unsigned musicians, talents and any other struggling passionate individuals who i can reach out too. I will also help fund creative and engaging workshops for people with all various types of mental health.

As someone with Asperger Syndrome Level 1 / 2 & ADHD, i understand how difficult it can be living with these types of conditions. I also know, with all types of mental health, its about finding your balance and understanding who you are and what your passions are to be able to really flourish in life.

If you would like to support this brand, i would very much appreciate if you could please subscribe to my channel and any likes / comments & shares, is very welcomed.

Much love to you all


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