Do it because you love it - A #recording to fight the demons

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I have been performing my entire life. It is who I am and what I lived for - I didn’t start singing till I was 18 and had a 5-6 yr break a couple of years after so I could study, so I guess in comparison to dancing it isn’t something I have ever really felt strong or confident in.

I literally become paralysed with fear when it comes to sharing my voice unless I am on stage and under lights. Who knows why but that is where I feel the safest. Since moving to Melbourne, I have started to reflect on many things and have been able to finally let go of many things in the past that have continually haunted me.

I am always in awe of my friends sharing their talents, but never stop to acknowledge any I may have. I guess part of it comes from always being so hard on myself, striving for perfection and not being brave enough to make a complete goose of myself, along with the long history of being bullied by peers, teachers and even my own mother - but you know what? I'm letting go and since being here I have already battled through some things I never thought I would both mentally and physically. This is me battling through yet another one of those things and finding the courage to share this with you and kicking my fear in the balls. It is by no means perfect, but you know what? Screw it!

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for some special people over the years who managed to save me without even realising. So this is for them. This is for the friends who never gave up on me and the people I have admired over the years who helped keep me inspired, alive and believing in life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I cranked this out without a warm up before someone arrived - So here is a little snippet of my imperfect, not warm and a little shaky recording of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” just for the freakin heck of it! ❤️

Never do anything for the sake of making others happy, do it because it makes you happy.

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