An Open Letter to Sarah G.

Dear Sarah G.,

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Something prompted me to write this letter though I don't usually follow celebrities or communicate with them on social media. I just enjoy their works of art, especially music, a lot. You have been my favorite solo singer since you rose to popularity. I am lucky to have met you in person once in a rehearsal studio in Makati. I beat myself up for not taking the chance to start a conversation with you after having a picture of us taken. Everyone was probably too busy and we had to fall in line but I could have told you: "I'm a big fan of yours! You know, I'm an amateur composer and I often imagine your voice giving life to my melody and lyrics.

I remember handing out a pair of headphones to one of my friends and song interpreter saying: "Please listen to this song ("Kahit Na"). This is how soft and mellow Sarah started singing the first stanza but she gave it more energy in the choruses." We, amateurs have a lot to learn from pros like you.

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Despite compact discs' decline in popularity, I still keep a few, including this one. Your version of "To Love You More" is my favorite from this album.

Another one of your songs, "Forever's Not Enough", resounds in my head and for years, I never grew tired of listening to it. I even remember losing my phone at an MRT Shaw Station right after that song finished playing. I was listening intently up to the last note but the pick-pocket somehow managed to take my phone right after the song was through, so I didn't notice. - Until there was silence through my earphones and the next song on my playlist took too long to play.

That's only proof that I have an emotional attachment to that song. I often play it alongside my recorded songs to compare the sound quality and even mimic the reverb and delay effects. The day before yesterday, I was busy mixing a campaign jingle in my home-studio when my wife approached me with a video playing on her phone. I refused to be disturbed and she knew I was working. -But it seemed so important to her, so I decided to see it. -It was not easy for me to watch. You're singing my favorite song but you looked so tired and I was like: "Is she OK?..."

I searched the news and videos of your tour in Las Vegas and watched different shots from uploaders. I don't watch concerts a lot and I don't have any idea how often this kind of thing happens when an international pop singer walks out before finishing a song. - It doesn't look like it's part of the show, or was it? - I only have doubts since I watched a couple of your movies and I know you're a good actress.

The bottom line:

This is why I think you still put up a good show. You showed a lot of emotions that made a strong connection with your audience. That's YOU! You don't have to explain or be apologetic. I don't personally know you, any person close to you or anyone you work with, so I'm not in the position to comment on your personal life or whatever is allegedly making you unsure about your career. -But once again, what happened also reinforced (at least for me), a balanced idea of what a good performance is: It's not only about hitting every note at perfect pitch. It's not only about the way you hold the mic and the way you sustain your vowels. It's what the audience feels. After all, it's still YOU. -And people can't change what you are. It's generally harder for guys to appreciate such a performance being on the 'technical' side but hey, I'm telling you: You did great!

After watching the videos, I realized that it's not bad at all that you showed what you feel. Perfectionists out there may bash you with negative comments but I know people in the industry are used to things like that. The most significant takeaway for me is that too much stress and pressure coupled with sleepless nights and fatigue can bring down anyone. But apparently, you still had enough reasons to continue and finish the show. I congratulate you for that.

In this video, I compare a couple of songs (including yours) with my demo recording of "You", my entry for this coming A Song of Faith Music Festival on Sunday. Your performance level will remain our target since you have set high standards and your emotions overflow through your songs. The only difference now is that I will be more careful in pushing my interpreter to sing my song perfectly. I learned to look for a "connection with the audience" more than perfect timing and pitch. -You have accomplished all of that and you have made many people happy through your acting and singing. Please take care of yourself. Just carry on.

I wish you the best of luck in your career. May God continue to bless you and guide you as well as your loved ones in the years to come.

Yours truly,


The last video is an actual screen recording from my computer. Other videos are links from youtube.

Thanks for reading/viewing!

[Credits to the Author of Life]

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Please stay tuned for my favorite photos and the lessons I learned behind the scenes.

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