Making music using hardware and software

Hi all Steemers, Id like to share with you some of my music findings from today and share track that I have created, Today's work flow was simple, to cut up some one shots in ableton and transfer them into couple of drum machines, seems like easy task but can be very time consuming so I was looking for ways to simplify my workflow and I made few discoveries. To start off I went thru some old sounds and sound packs from last year and I took sounds I felt were right and made them into one shots and some pads. I was using abletons browser to find these sounds and I was processing them in arrangment view. The end result was one track with samples all going down the arrangement. image
My next step was to extract these samples one by one and drop them into the drum machine but that is when things started to get bit scary, I wanted fast way to have these samples all individually exported but there was no easy way until I found a work around. I will guide with pictures what I did and how it worked. FIRST I took these samples from armament mode into session view like this image
SECOND I used Freeze option on selected track image
THIRD I deleted this track from my session view and went to my ableton project folder image image
There you can find folder as you can see in picture above that will have all the samples from that track exported as individual sounds and ready for transfer into the gear.
To drop samples into my drum machine first I tried using usb cable for faster speeds, but that didn't work out as the c6 software was giving me error so I ended up using good old midi, I was droping 22 samples not more than 10mb in size and it took nearly 2 hours :O
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As a comparison I decided to use the new elektron transfer tool to drop same 22 samples into my newer drum machine and it took less then 1minute, when using elektron transfer tool don't forget to turn off your daw or it will have issues sending samples, at least in my case it did that is why here you see Ableton starting back up again ;] image
Now that samples were finaly ready to be played with I sat down and started making pattern on my drum machine, I didn't use these samples in my other drum machines yet but from what I've heard so far I made pretty good selection to play around with today. I uploaded my work to dsound under name Solidwaves and will drop link below, it was fun finding faster ways to export samples today and this will definitely be something that I will be doing in the future, thank you for reading, please support and upvote, feedback is very welcome
Lil Video:

LINK to track:

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