On Tour Again! // Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia // 5 Day Tour :)

We’re on tour again! Oh yeah.
This time we’re covering Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Slovenia in 5 days. :)

Our plan is simple,
today we go to to Belgrade, where @bonvivan will play an acoustic (autistic) show as Eine (it’s his solo project, with a band – he’s Seine, solo – he’s Eine, and when he doesn’t show up on a concert – he’s Keine).
Anyways, it’s a slow start, but a nice one.

Tomorrow we organized a last minute show in Kovačica, a city not far from Belgrade, just so we don’t have a day-off. (we’ll also pick up our kreativ-kunst-komitet person / photographer @marinauzelac – so expect a lot of photos and videos).
The problem is that currently it’s the World Cup, and tomorrow Croatia is playing an important match versus Argentina (basically Messi and the rest :D).
Since all the region will watch the match, we’re gonna do a two part show.
First set (full band) from 19:00 – 19:50 and then a second acoustic (probably Eine) set from 22:00 – 23:00. In between we will watch the game with our audience :) it’s gonna be epic.

The day after that (if we survive) we’re heading to Skopje (Macedonia). It’s gonna be a long drive (around 500 km) but it’s gonna be worth it.
We were supposed to play Kumanovo the day before, a city near the border with Serbia, where we played a bunch of times before – but the show was canceled. But it doesn’t matter… Skopje is filled with amazing people and bands that we love.

Have a listen:

It’s always fun in Macedonia, so we’re expecting a good time. :)

Unfortunately, we’re playing just Skopje in Macedonia, and we’re heading the next day to Plovdiv in Bulgaria.

We played there before, and we have an amazing guy there that really likes our music and he organizes a bunch of shows. He’s a pretty straight-forward and frighteningly sincere guy – which is a friend with Steve Albini. Which of course could be a really great benefit for us – if Albini could ever hear our music and maybe like it :). But, anyways, we’re playing on a really cool small festival near Plovdiv, and it’s gonna be awesome – since Plovdiv is beautiful, and people there are really chill and cool.

After that, we’re gonna head back towards Slovenia, and probably stop by to Belgrade to rest a bit (since we would have to travel for around 1000 km in one take).
We’re gonna play a gig in Maribor, and then head back to Zagreb the following day.

That’s our simple plan :)

It’s nice to have a smaller tour every once in a while.
And this time we’re traveling with Ante, our friend, merch-guy, spiritual guide, and an extra driver.
Fortunately, we’re traveling light, without our full backline, and carrying just the essentials (guitar, pedals, cymbals, and snare + electronic equipment) – so that’s a really cool thing.

(this is what an extra driver does) :D

I also like the fact by the end of this tour we’d play around 15 shows in one month.
That’s a nice statistic if you take in consideration the fact that I recorded and mixed around 10 songs and one 40 minute improv jam session – between the two tours.
So this was and is a really productive month.

Anyways, wish us luck, so we can come back famous and rich as hell :).

Cheers peeps!

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