Stiff Upper Lip - Open Rap-Battle Challenge, from UK to all y'all!

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I have recently been spending a lot of time on the PAL discord channel and have found a forum, titled
In this room there are various stemians laying down lyrics and some even like to challenge one another. Now I am no longer quick-witted enough to stand a chance, in a live face to face rap-battle. That takes the sharpest of minds and mine has become delayed and crusty. That being said, I think I have a flare for creative writing and I enjoy listening to rap-battles.

"Oh steemit... You are the gift that keeps on giving"

This forum is a gift for me and to try a new style of writing, at the same time as connecting myself to a forgotten joy, is something I'm going to grab with both hands
On the forum was a very talented guy who seemed to be very confident about his abilities. Me being the goon I am(I've been punched many times for taking this approach to life), I decided to challenge the king, on my debut...

Dumb, but not stupid...

His name is @kingly(This is only his discord name, not steemit) and his profile picture displays a bejeweled crown. Well if you know your history you will know why I am named article61(On discord I use the name Rebel-Dan. Same thing though). It appeared that we had a royal and a rebellious citizen of the crown, in the same room, at the same time. Therefor, it seemed to be my duty to mount an attack on my sworn enemy ;)

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Stiff Upper-lip

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"One cocky Yanky fuck, but talent carries you through.
No doubt this is your Jungle and "I want to be like you".
But I've got beef with Apple-pie, served so hot and brash.
Not that it surprises me, you have less history than cash...
It's slack, mack. Take your big truck back. Step aside Butch, the underdog is back.
The great white hope, higher than the pope with history to match.
Scratch the sand and light your ass up with the wrong side of the match.
Burn a thousand trees and turn you to a gem.
Diamonds take time son, don't make me bury you again....
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Like I said, I respect your crown. But the the rebel has no superior.
Guy Faulks sneaked beneath your house, to rearrange interior.
Like Jack the ripper, you won't know what slit-ya.
Preaching to Jesus not knowing a scripture.
But that's what you get for jumping the gun, firing your colt, thinking its fun.
You're in the creek now, a paddle won't help ya.
Scalped by a spirit, vengeful fate dealt ya.

Jesse James played jester games and like you he moved to quickly.
The west was won. Buy a gun! But come to London and I'll slit thee.
Drown you in the Thames or Let Merlin cast a spell. Chuck you from the tower. Wrath that burns like hell.
I'll feed you to my dragon, if you don't come back to you senses.
I have a past that goes so deep, my flows are fucking endless.
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Soaked in royal blood, I'm bathing with your crown on.
Big fish, shallow water. Look you're starting to drown, son.
Moat deep-red and it flows round your castle.
Just like King John you don't want the hassle.
I've called a Moot and the public have spoken.
Take the crown off your head your legacy's broken.
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Study up, read a book. You're naive, much like Pitt.
A Billy with ambition, remembered like a zit...
Squeeze the puss out your head, you've broken the contract.
Article 61 was invoked and I ain't takin a rain-check, look like a ship wreck, throwing you off deck.
Sinbad on my crows-nest, looking to fleece you. Maybe decease you.
Got my black flag flying, with bones making X's
I've just dropped you off, like Dorothy in Texas....
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(Drop the mic) ;)

I'm a complete noob, but I've got thick skin so feel free to reply with your best shot.
It's just words and they wont hurt.
This took me about an hour to write and it was done with no beat. Would like to find ways or influences that can help me improve. I'm finding this very enjoyable.

Minnow support projects

A steemit post that deserves more attention!! -

Screenshot-2018-3-15  One Must Be Brave ORIGINAL MUSIC - Steem Collaboration — Steemit.png

Steemians of the week!

@omitaylor - The steemian who helped me create this cool profile pic!
Come check out her post and see how...

@amariespeaks (Runs #minnowmondays writing contest and seems to be an all-round cool steemian. Her latest post, "Lyrics That Changed My Life" is well worth a look)

@markangeltrueman is a great British subject who's generosity makes steemit a great place to be. His poetry is unbelievably good and I look forward to reading more from his profile. I met him in the #United-Kingdom forum, over at PAL-Discord. Go give him a shout sometime, you won't regret it.

@cyclops has only come to my attention because I went over to check out the profile above. It seems that the pair have collaborated together somehow and the results are stunning!!

I have to post this video by @cyclops and if you read through the comments, you will see exactly why.

My fellow steemians, please may I present to you

@cyclops & @markangeltrueman

One must be brave

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