Studio 54 - My Review


Studio 54 was definitely on the list of my all time special film back in the 90s, and this is is because it remains a film that I enjoyed alot, I think because I watched it a lot as a teenager. Although at the time of release, it does look enjoyable to me, maybe because of me been a teenager then, but despite the capital sympathy, despite the feeling of love for the time and the place that emerges from the film, it is true, that "Studio 54" is a film that has a lot of flaws and above all it is a film that tends to be completely banal.

In fact the main flaw of Mark Christopher's film is that it is a far too wise film for the famous New York studio. If, the sceanrio can be followed without worries, if the discovery of the place, at first sight could not be more sympathetic, if the ascent of the character held by Ryan Philippe has its attraction, the whole gives back quite empty, because it lack in this "studio 54", madness, a decadence at all times, and maybe even an extreme.

Studio 54 is therefore a film which I believe is no longer as brilliant as it was back then in my memory.

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