Hi Steemit friends,

today i wanna show you what we are capable of! Look into the eyes of a child and you see pure enthusiasm and curiosity!

Voila! You just have discovered two very important things you need to unleash your true capabilities. They are the firing for a happy life or like the following quote:

“It's never too late to have a happy childhood.”

A true story

You know the story of the child and the adult. Both were asked the following question:

"Would you like to play a musical instrument?"

The child answered: "Currently i'm not able to play but how can i learn it?"

The adult was answering: "No, i can't and i'd never tried yet."

Do you see the difference?

The curiosity of the child drives his desire to learn playing. It is asking back to find a way to learn something new. In contrast the adult has internally given up, no hope, not even a tiny bit of curiosity which could help to arise a desire to change or to do something new. The adult simply does not ask!

Think of yourself, how many times people said to you the following things?

"It will not work."

"You can't do that."

"You're not talented enough."

"You're a moron!".. ok stop stop, no i hope nobody had ever said that to you 🙉 but maybe

"What do you think you are?!"

"Get a real job!"





"Be careful!"

"Don't touch!"

.. ok i could continue until judgement day. Maybe you belong to a few lucky exceptions and had parents, friends and colleagues who totally avoided such sentences or prohibitions, but i think they are very, very rare.

We are looking back to the happy child..

The innocent child not (de)formed by such exclamations will just try and eventually succeed. It's known and proven that even a 3 year old child which can barely moving their hands is capable of learning to play a musical instrument independend if you're talented or gifted by your genes. Nearly everybody could learn at that age if someone would take care of it. And many do and always encouraging their children to grow and get educated in such a good manner and i think also you do the best you can! But reality show that many don't think about the true potential of a human being with the huge brain because they didn't learned it from their parents and their parents from their parents.. many of us simply don't know about the magic powers within them because

they never try!

How i discovered my hidden magic powers?

I was 27 and me and a good friend had the idea to develop a game in our freetime. We never did this before. In the process i recognized it would be very helpful to draw sketches of things like how the level should look like, enemies and my first thought was..

"I cannot draw!"

That thought alone was so discouraging, it took the whole energy to start with something. I considered to look for people who can draw and to tell them my ideas so they could realize it.. the next i felt no progress and said to me:

STOP! Stop that thinking! Why the hell you should not draw a few sketches, why you think you're not able to do that?!

I searched the internet and found some tutorials for drawing, looked here, looked there.. and guess what.. nothing happened.. i was frustrated again and my anger about myself was growing.. the next day i realized

"I must do something, i must start with something!"

I looked into my book shelf and there was a comic someone gave me for free because of some printing issues. I thought

"Maybe i can try to hand copy with a pencil one of the cartoon drawings?"

I skipped through the pages and saw a nice picture of a superhero and quickly decided to START NOW! I was upset by myself and now at a point where i just said to me "I do not give a f*** i'll try to draw that man on empty piece of paper now!" Now i was motivated by my hesitation.

I looked to the picture in the comic book and back to the paper which was still empty. I decided just start with his head and then to try to expand to the other areas of his body.. stroke by stroke.. i was pushing me forward, bit by bit. I concentrated to get right proportions, used my eraser from time to time and saw how the drawing was growing and growing.. and guess what.. what i saw was not so bad as i thought. The face of the man looked very similar to that in the comic book.. with no help lines or preparation of the page.. honestly i was a bit..

Amazed by myself and what my hand had done?!

Hour after hour passed and i felt exhausted of that all always comparing the original with my drawing. But i said to me "You'll will finish that whether if it takes another 3 hours! and i'd done so. I recognized that my wild drawing led to a cropped hero so i could not finish his legs and feets on the page but didn't cared about it. I reached the point where it was FINISHED!

Suddendly i stopped and until to that point i'd had not looked from a distance at the finished drawing..

Not bad .. i realized i'd done something i'd never thought i was able! The proportions where good, the shading was quite good and the hero at whole looked.. hmm.. good, yes simply good!

man of steel pencil drawing

That was one moment i realized what i'm able to do if i'm convinced to do it!

I'd realized that i was lying to myself. This..

"I cannot.."

was just a lie, which had withheld me for a long time. It was a test of my capabilities and the result was that i'd done sketches for our game and that we finally released it and were happy with it.

screenshots from the finished game, CD cover

What are causes of such behaviour i asked myself?

Even if your parents avoid all this negativity and prohibition you're often surrounded by other people in groups of your age which spread fears, bad behaviour or simply negativity. In the end your self-confidence is damaged without that you recognized or reflect it. It is just visible in your actions, what you do or don't. Maybe you stopped singing, laughing, jumping, shouting, drawing, playing, even crying, just because someone had said that you have to do so over and over again since you were a child. Now you're quiet and are not aware of your magic powers anymore. The answer of the adult above is a clear sign of such negative development..

Now you say: "So what, you tell me all that Stuff! Now i'm angry! What's the solution?!"

The first rule to change is:

"Do something different, just try!"

The second rule is:

"Do it right now!"

It's very important to start, to move! Motion moves your body and also your mind to get out of a bad state!

But how simple that sounds, it is not! We are bounded by habits and often not able to change something immediately. Everyone lives in his own comfort zone. The zone can be described as a circle of tranquility, repetition, routine and safety. The comfort zone has strong magnets so if we think about change or something new the zone is the counterpart and an option we can always easily go back and hide and often we do because it feels easy and satisfying.

How to break out now?

First you need a strong desire! You must know what you want! If you know exactly what you want and also what's needed to achieve the goal then you're ready to start!

In my case there were several such experiences and it was important that i had at least once such a positive experience to believe that's possible, here are some other examples..

I said to me

"I cannot play guitar" .. then i changed my mindset to "I wanna play guitar" and i learned playing guitar. I was a bad student for my teacher with 22 years old. I took lessons with a friend and after 2 or 3 sessions we decided to quit.. but i continued to learn reading notes and tabs, different playing techniques and succeeded.

I said to me

"I cannot design a game" .. then i changed my mindset to "I wanna make the best game possible!" and i learned to design a game, creating graphics and a rule based play system

I said to me

"I cannot create 3D models" .. and changed to "I wanna build 3D worlds!" and i learned to model all things i could imagine.

I said to me

"I don't know how to found a company." .. and changed to "Hey let's start a business and develop something great!" and i learned how to build a company.

I said to me

"I'm not a sales person!" .. and changed my mind to "I wanna be the best sales person in my company" and so i learned how to sell software and consulting.

You get the point?

Everybody.. and i'm just a regular person .. can achieve almost everything what he wants. I say not everything, but almost everything. It just needs a burning desire. Anger and frustation can also be helpful to step out of the comfort zone and to reach a point of no return. Yes you must burn the bridges behind you! You must leave your old boring life to see the miracles. You must build a foundation of positive thinking in you and constantly learning new things you want to master.. and never ever give up, then as Brian Tracy often said

"You're becoming unstoppable!"

And that's simply true from my experiences you can read here. You'll not always succeed but the more you try and learn, the more you'll succeed and since you built that foundation of confidence and self-esteem you're simply unstoppable!

I wish you all the best.. and unleash the hidden powers in you! It's no joke it's reality!

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see also my other posts






Gems Of Our Youth PART 1 | Chris Hülsbeck | Mastermind of Epic Game Music and Soundtracks | Amiga and C64 Reloaded

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