Girls and the Gym.

Do you ever walk into the gym, and feel eyes on you, but know it's not from the opposite sex? And it's not always with admiration, but with distain and jealousy. Why? Why do we women do this to each other? Can't we just give friendly nods and high fives like the bros do.

Guys, this may or may not apply to you. But if you ever question that some type of competition is happening between us girls, you might be right. And quite frankly, I don't completely understand it or why. If you don't notice it, then keep avoiding the tension and let us girls figure it out.

We need to start uplifting each other and congratulate one another for making new PR's, or how much our consistent gyming is paying off. And granted, I know somehow our *RBF is unconsciously showing off when we're in focus-mode, but we need to start being aware of it. Because it comes off wrong.

Send me a smile, and if i somehow miss it, keep trying. I really don't bite at all. 🀞🏼 I'm always trying to find the right moment to make eye contact so I can send some love your way, but everyone seem too look like deer-in-the-headlights and miss it.

No, i'm not there to outlift you; no, i'm not there to steal your boyfriend; I'm there to work on myself, and de-stress. Let's just keep the vibes positive; the gym will thank you, and be a better place. In the end, we're there for same reasons, right? Be a better version of ourselves.

*Resting Bitch Face πŸ˜‰

Let me know about any stories you have had, and if you agree or disagree with this down below. Trying to inspire hereeee. 😘

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