There's Always A Way

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On any type of journey, it's nothing out of the ordinary to come across obstacles and stuff that threaten to delay us or outright stop us from going any further. It is what it is; it is life. You could go over it, under it, by it, or through it. Whatever the case may be, there's always a way. A lot of people are too fond of excuses so much so that it's become the first thing that comes out of their mouths at any given opportunity. Our instinctive action is to go into the defensive and immediately begin to conjure all the reasons why it won't work. And the truth is, we might just not be able to run out of these excuses; they're that many. Think about the excuses you give on a daily basis, the reasons you give yourself to justify your inability to do whatever it is you're supposed to.

Success happens when opportunity meets preparation.

What happens when opportunity meets excuses? Opportunity walks away to some other place where it could possibly be put to better use.

So you think you can't write, can you record yourself talking? If you find it a lot easier to record yourself talk, then do just that and then transcribe into text for publishing on a text-based platform. We can all do everything if we put our heart to it. Yes, the degree of our mastery may differ but we can all try.

The first brick needed is that of interest. If a person has no interest in something, there's no amount of motivation that can push the person into action. The most common excuse of lack of time is always more or less fueled by a lack of interest. An overtly busy person will always find a way to talk to you or sort out that favor if they're remotely interested in you or your cause. That's not to say that everyone who doesn't help you out isn't interested, the level of interest isn't just high enough (if that makes any sense or makes you feel any better).

I had a discussion with a friend about Steemit and after a very short but packed talk, she voiced her concern over her non-belief in her writing skills. I still don't get why people think I write well but I get that not everyone has the "writer skillset". However this shouldn't necessarily be the end of the road because there's always a way. It's true she didn't fancy her chances of putting words together to form a post but she is pretty comfortable in front of a camera speaking endlessly about the stuff she loves.

The main purpose of your existence is to create content others can consume and find useful; it doesn't really matter how you do it. Text, video or audio, the goal is to make content. So if you can't come up with text or don't have the patience to craft a text, you could just record yourself, audio or video, and transcribe for a text-based platform. There's always a way. I don't see myself as a video person (yet) but that doesn't mean I should totally neglect the video side of content creation because there's always a way around that.

What about other aspects of life? Have you ever felt like you had no other alternatives? Going down to the basics, even life gives us default alternatives; yes or no. You can either do a thing or don't do it. Agreed the results may not be the same and what not but there's always an option.

The realization of the need to document your journey and the idea of time, coupled with the knowledge that there's always a way, could turn you into an amazing superhero! We may not always get what we want straight up from life, but we can decide on the way we want to react. Not giving up is one reaction many of us need to become very familiar with. No matter how many times you try, you shouldn't give up. When you think you've exhausted all your options, please look again. You might feel like you're hitting rock bottom but giving up won't take you any higher so why not give something that could possibly do a try?


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