What video content would work best on the video replies platform Mosaeek?

I don’t think all video is naturally ready for replies. There, I’ve said it, I’ve got it off my chest. Big deep breath.

Like when someone posts a music video as an old boy (over 40) I’m more likely to listen to a track all the way through rather than stop and reply over the top of it at a certain point — that said, maybe live music is better because it’s more personal, which opens this topic up a bit more, what are we looking to reply too? What activates us to even jump in and respond in real time like that — is this the method to have more authentic video conversations with each other if we are driven to reply like we would in face to face, real life(tm) triggered by nuances in a video or a reminder of a memory?

I wanna explore some videos today that I think would do really well on @mosaeek but not only that what about opening up the idea of how you could create videos in a certain way built for responses, like actually craft and curate the video content in such a way that it pushes for a response or an answer by building that in from day zero.


conversation is an opportunity for adventure and discovery.

Hmmm, adventure and discovery, sounds perfect, clear and clarity! (I think I need to add this to the manifesto in their discord!) — when we engage back in the real world with another human it’s often an opportunity, every conversation potentially is right? — but I had never framed it as adventure and discovery!

Every conversation is a potential conduit to an adventure, we don’t always ever know where a conversation might lead up, how it might wake us up and activate our brains, we step through like people on a quest looking for clues in the meaning, why now, how does this effect me, what do I have to share on this topic — the frontal cortex firing activating our cognitive behaviour, personality expression and decision making!

And Discovery, unlocking information and finding out things about ourselves that might have been dormant or undiscovered until we verbalised those things to others and heard ourselves say it — even being surprised that you could, that you were open for discovery to start in the first place!

The right songs have been shown to reduce agitation and depression in patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia

music, words and visuals - OH MY! :)

The labyrinth of aural and visual pleasure us humans can experience is vast, our eyes have the resolution of 576 megapixels (at least Dr Roger clark seems to think so! — don’t always trust what Dr’s say thou!) — think about that for a moment, we are processing content that we are taking in and storing and might not have even processed yet the level of detail and nuance in that scene, we might be only look at a HD shot of the world when really we are able to process so much more!

It’s kinda overwhelming when you truly think about it and not everyone is able to receive and process this level of information, let alone engage with it, that’s another thing all together to be in the relative safety of your browser to watch something but to then ENGAGE — that’s a massive chasm for many to step across because of all the attributes attached to it.

FEAR of being judged on your options
CONSCIOUS of looking the right way, saying the right thing
WORRY that nobody would reply back
DOUBT of not adding value to a conversation

The list goes on and on right. . .. . how do you walk into a shop, bar, place from a high street and what runs through our mind about what potentially is on the other side? — is is often thoughts of adventure and discovery? Sure, but also it’s doubt, concern, worry and fear — leaving video responses is no different but I think there is certain topics that people can’t WAIT to have a conversation about and some that people try their hardest to keep away from — that’s not to say they are not valid but when was the last time you bought up religion, politics or gender bias at a family gathering?

It’s a rough road when it comes down to topics that will always been to the end of time in a state of flux.


I think for me, the ones where someone is sharing value, has acquired a skill and a talent and is helpful to share and unpack that for a remote audience to learn are the BEST content for the @mosaeek platform — I’m not saying others don’t work as well but I think it’s gotta be up there — things like how-to videos, building, documenting a daily used skill. …

one where a point is being made and their is doubt or there is a multiple way that skill can be achieved are all openings for someone to jump in and start a conversation — let’s look at a few that really resonate with me in terms of reply friendly content and we can then start to unpack the different genres that work straight out of the gate and then maybe let’s get into some ideas for shaping the content to make responses more inviting?


I discovered this channel, #LiziqiChannel because of @dayleeo and Dayle saw it from watching a live twitch stream of Andy Milonakis watching her complete back catalog! — isn’t it weird how we hear about things these days?

Anyway, this channel is a complete sensory overload from the visuals, the shots, the music, the adventure and discovery element part are off the chart in her videos and she rarely interacts with the remote audience, she’s just ultimately vlogging her life and indirectly showing you how to do things at her frequency — it often leaves you with the question ‘what the fuck is she doing with that’ as you are watching it. ..

Perfect for hosting conversations around as people can guess or are surprised or have learned something new — sometimes the best conduit to starting a conversation is the way that visuals can spark a reaction in wanting us to remark and talk about something we have seen — this is totally present in her videos, me and @dayleeo have watched many of these together.

Tutorials and How-To Videos

It could be anything you learn, similar to the above video but this is more focused on information, discussing how for instance this gaming pc that was put together all into a monitor — it brings up so many discussion points and openings, if they changed the video a little bit to acknowledge responses maybe they could use those responses to add to their video the following week and reply back to those or use them as a basis for content creation that you are interested in for future shows.

People love to share information that they know, concerns that they have, information that was passed onto them or real world advice from actually using a product and issues that might occur that others might not have realised before they bought the product — the world moves fast and information is disseminated quickly around the world when people add their voice to the conversation

Relate-ability Of Messaging Content

Who doesn’t love to hear about someone that managed to conquer what they saw as a character flaw or stopped doing destructive behaviour? Ok, maybe not everyone but for many people it’s inspiring to hear another human being unpack and describe moments in life that we have all been through and feel like they understand that we are all the same when it comes to our feelings and emotions — this content for me is valuable because it allows us to be vulnerable and open up discussion about how we respond to this stimuli — again, firing up the internal discovery component of engaging in conversation with another human being!

Legacy & Popular Content Activators

Heard of breaking bad? Remember watching the whole thing and being upset that their would never been any more episodes, remember how frustrated or the depth of darkness you had when your favourite tv series stopped after a decade or more — how much time you had invested in that content for it to come to an end?

But then you see a new ‘breaking bad’ movie coming out and all those feelings and thoughts come flooding back, you can’t wait to have a discussion with other fans of the series about elements of it — why? Adventure and discovery again, it’s what makes us humans tick! We want to share our favourite scenes, characters and how they were communicated on screen — are you ready for Jesse pinkmans return?

12 million views in 48 hrs, why? LEGACY. Certain content is timeline because of where you were when you first interfaced with it, I’m a bit sci-fi geek so Star Wars for me will ALWAYS be on my radar, I’ll always make time for anything to do with that content because it’s firmly in my DNA — it ticks all the futuristic thoughts of discovery and adventure past this world we have always known — twelve million people also subscribe to that too, nothing better to talk around than a brand new expression of that legacy than a movie that covers a hyper niche area — for me, the toys I had as a kid, the bounty hunters now getting their own film. . .. big talking points!

Content that fuels our creativity!

When I watch videos like this I just find my brain just sparking off all kinds of thoughts about security, reliability, who controls the information — and yet it touches on that very important tenant from the start — adventure and discovery, imagine having your weekends guided by these signposts, you just hit a button, find a local place to eat, head towards it, come out, walk to another one and select another adventure to go on, all of these little tourist and human technology activators spark not only conversation but our willingness and wanting to share that with others — I wonder how many times this things got posted on instagram for instance! ;)

I’m sure there are many more pieces of video and content you can think of that would be worth sharing on @mosaeek and forming questions and replies around — we have so many opinions and thoughts while we are watching it so why don’t we share those responses on video? — is it because we want the world to see a perfect version of us that can be exploited or is it fear that stops us engaging?

The more we fall faster into the automated, on demand, real time world of digital and technology I believe humans will start to crave human connection even more than the AI reactionary spoon fed society we have today, we will look back with fondness (and maybe a little regret) of the memories of how it used to be and what sparked smiles and happiness in our souls of the human connections we once had.

Although it doesn’t have to be that way if we reach out, make a connection, learn to keep on adventuring and discovering things about our world and share them with others as they head through their own lives on adventures of their own making!

As many a mobile phone company might have said, it’s good to talk.

. … lastly in this blog. ..


My interest in @mosaeek is purely from the fact that they appeared as a campaign on review.hunt.town — the second vertical from the @steemhunt guys — a way for you to do advocate and influencer social proof marketing on your app or web product to get that early traction straight away, you just add some fiat, they get you some HUNT tokens (the token that powers the platform — an erc-20 ethereum token (would have been SMT but that got delayed) and you are off to the races.

I’ll be joining up as as maker soon as well so I can see what that interface looks like because i’d like to use the HUNT platform for other companies I’d like to work with as well and do all the quest setup and everything for them, reporting, blogging etc — I think it would be a nice middle ground for companies that simply don’t have the time to do the marketing but want to see some results they can show investors or while they work on product R&D think of it like an outsourced virtual marketer — I think that’s a neat service that a bunch of companies would want.


Yes, a video condenser (condenser being the first code that appeared on steemit to give the steem blockchain a way to interface with the chain) would be quite the interesting thing — ever since I’ve been here from literally week one I thought why doesn’t this support certain embeds, why are they blocked when they could bring so much exposure to the chain?

So that’s a mission before the end of the year — setup a MIRA witness, fork condenser, build a snazzy ajax style frontend for real time updating and build in a bunch of transmedia features aiming squarely at using as little moving parts as possible, lots of lovely static stuff, solid infrastructure and round robin copies of it so that it’s got some level of fault tolerance in there.

Alright, I’m back to finding makers (review.hunt.town) and content creators to bring to @mosaeek — we are pushing for 550 people in the discord this week from the 400 we have! :)

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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