Look at my Morels!!!


So, Ive always LOVED Mycology.. Started studying Mycology at the age of 16, im 31 now.
I started to study Morel mushrooms 3 years ago!
So, my pal Justin and myself started studying these Morchella mushrooms.. Justin knew of someone with the PERFECT conditions for a honey hole where he used to live. So we go check it out and BAM, honey hole!! Morels everywhere... I studied and asked for a little advice from a friend and they sent me to Land Between the Lakes(LBL) in Kentucky... Of course i got a little help of where to look but we're talking over hundreds of thousands of acreas... LBL strethches from Grand Rivers,KY all the way to Tennessee.. Anyways throughout these three years we have found honey holes, about 3 to be exact..but the funny thing is that when it is time for these mushrooms to pop up they will pop up almost anywhere. My buddy Justin found one growing in some gravel next to someone's driveway while he was working, he works for FedEx..
These are mushrooms are highly prized..
I call it adult easter egg hunting because theyre so hard to find but when you find them, youve more than likely found a honey hole that will produce in that same spot EVERY year!!!

Well thanks for reading!!
Have a blessed day

PS-check these out...this was our biggest haul yet, 97 Morels in less than 3 hours!!


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