If YOU had a million dollars... what would you buy?

It is always nice to dream about the classic briefcase full of large notes that break the bank...

but if one day this became reality for you in the next 5 years what do you do with that much cash? would you be one of the rich getting richer, or buy toys and enjoy spending the money while you can enjoy it?

this is not new question, we have all asked ourselves what we would hypothetically spend a superfluous amount of money on in a frivolous manner.

Eminem says in his song :-
"if i had a million dollars i would buy a brewery and turn the planet into alcoholics"

but if it was your life, your struggles, your motovation to move forward... what would be the priority? how could you help your family? even better how could you help the world?

on the individual level it would be possible to change your life easy enough, but not your family... you could maybe buy 1 or 2 houses... its not enough to go around and take care for those that need it... so do you double down? do you put it on a roulette table?

Fast Cars:

Expensive cars are always a favourite choice among those that have big dreams, but what they don't tell you, is that a scratch costs $4,000 to fix...
this is how people with a lot of money become very broke very fast.
by not understanding the hidden costs and maintenance costs on something that expensive...

but if your smart with your money you can make a little go a long way.

Personally i would invest in a business to turn that 1 million into 20, in my current location the perfect fit for a new business would be a bowling alley due to current local demographic and target audiences, appealing to both the locals and the tourists that roll in every summer.
this would help me, the community, my family, friends, and eventually be able to buy a house for every one in my family, with a nice car in the driveway and free bowling for life...

This would add value to every aspect of not only my life but others as well.

So Steemit community i thought i would ask you in a "realistic" situation what would you actually spend a cold million on? and how would that affect those that are close to you? which direction would you take it and use it to leverage the people you care about of of the hardships they face just to get by.

please leave your comments below so we can all know what way you would go, if you had enough dough to buy a bakery or new showgrounds for your hometown.

(i've always wanted to own a bakery =P)

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