The Visit and a Scare

"Mom, your butt has gotten big it seems you are having a hard time carrying it," I teased as my mother dragged her walker. She wanted to wash her hands and insisted she walk to the kitchen sink without anyone assisting. "Yes, that mountain behind feels heavy," she said laughing heartily.

We exchanged jokes and chitchats when we visited on Monday as we missed them terribly. I observed that while the old man is as agile as he usually is, Mom is frail, pale, forgetful, and yes, getting heavier. She looks so fragile as she moves painstakingly slowly. Seeing her that way reminded me of my high school days when she got so sick making different hospitals her home for a year.

Anyway, we spent most of the day with them. She was playful with Yongi and laughed a lot at his antics. "You're like a little boy who knows how to get jealous, huh?" she commented when my pup kept howling and jumping as I played with my niece's son. I loved seeing her light up cheerfully as she giggled. It almost felt like she was healthy and without ailment.

While we planned to spend the night in the house there, we had to leave at 4 pm for some pressing matters that came up. Jerry Boy called saying he needed some stuff for his crops.

"DD? What kind of place is that?" she burst laughing when we told her we were driving back to DD after the errand for JB. She thought we were still in the Lil Kingdom. She must have forgotten when I mentioned it during our phone conversations in the previous month.

But yeah, she was generally better when we bid goodbye so we were shocked when she was rushed to the hospital early morning yesterday - our second scare in the year. Dad said she suddenly collapsed. It turned out that her blood pressure shot up and her RBC was no longer at a healthy level. Her chest x-ray showed that her lungs collapsed. Thankfully, she is now stable and will undergo further tests as she stays confined for medical attention.

She had been in and out of the hospital in the last 3-4 years and we should be getting used to it by now but we simply can't. The heart always skips a beat whenever a call is answered and someone on the other side of the line says she's wheeled to the emergency room.

Some things make us hold our breath hard...

We pray however that she continues to fight, laugh, and share jokes with us, and see more of Yongi's antics as we all age.🙏

Photo is mine. 06082024/22:57 UTC

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