Once, That’s it!

The things I’m good at, I used to only be half decent at and I never got it right the first time except for once, that’s it! Everything I think I’m good at or even half decent at today is a direct result of having screwed it up so many times in the past.

Nobody got it right their first time—nobody. No carpenter alive who swings a hammer has a thumb that hasn’t been smashed. No Wireman has a handful of fingers that haven’t been sliced. No race car driver hasn’t crashed, no judge makes the correct decision every day, no instructor answers their pupils correctly every time. Even the United States postal service will deliver a random citizens jury duty summons to your mailbox on occasion. Mistakes are non discriminatory—something we all do until we don’t.


Embrace them.

Some of my most memorable #life experiences are mistakes that I’ve made, they’re hard to forget, think about it. You don’t remember your drive to work four days ago but you remember the last time you went the wrong way on a one-way street. I don’t know how many times I lit an oven burner last month but I remember three months ago when I singed my thumb hairs in Atenas—it was the right front burner.

Embrace them. Try not to make the same mistake twice and, should you repeat it, the second should be less severe with less consequences than the first and always, always, always avoid turning your back on them. Mistakes...


have to happen.

I think a current mistake is turning your back on global warming positions and opinions based on the word of congress, some newspaper print that says “97%,” a repeat video of an ice burg breaking off in the North Atlantic or this one about polar bears struggling to find #food. The #truth is, I never paid much attention to global warming until I convinced myself it’s hotter outside today than it was when I was a kid because everything I see anymore is global #writing, it’s everywhere. Global warming, global economy, global impact, global awareness, global solutions, everything is global in 2019.

I was unaware of the psychological diversion game initiated by Bilderberg Group in 1954 who, in 1968, created an elite club of high authority, powerful, worldwide men called Club Of Rome whose purpose was to engrave “global” into humanities way of thinking. After creating a think tank designed to attract global attention, they decided to use “climate” because it’s universal and “control” because that’s the objective—climate control. They have since branched out and created emissions control, a climate emergency plan and a program for kids called climate and energy youth summits. These aren’t concerns, they’re tactics. Think—who isn’t thinking “green” these days? It’s the new black.

The other day I caught this David Icke interview posted by @weirdheadaches—thanks, weird! I was made aware of quite a few interesting arguments during that interview, I recommend watching it. The way he explained creating an illusion to cause a global reaction all in favor of the same conclusion is a form of ‘global’ control was enlightening—I never thought about it like that. I fired up the #blog and rabbit holed for a little bit and was surprised by some of the discrepancies I found.

Like the one about former US Vice President, Al Gore, saying the arctic ice will all be melted by 2013 and emphasized how that was a “conservative” estimate. Or this 2014 article published by the pentagon stating climate change causes terrorism. However, John Coleman, co-founder of The Weather Channel, claims to have evidence proving the sea is not rising, polar ice is actually increasing in size and the polar bear colony has never declined.



I think another mistake that needs to be embraced is kids and selfies—camera phones. You’ve had a recording device in your child’s face since their first steps as an infant until today. Think about what would happen if an infant stared at a Coca Cola can for 1,095 days (three years). Kids are so accustom to being filmed and photographed today regardless if they’re awake or not, which is a frightening thought, that by the time they learn how to tie their own shoes, they’re tying them in front of a crowd while smiling for all of the cameras in their peripheral. Camera phones made everyone...



Give it a few more years accompanied by a couple thousand camera flashes and they’ll be teenagers. By the time a teenager realizes they can’t erase the mistakes they’ve made, they’re 40 something years old, 30 years passed by and the cameras they’ve grown to associate their #life with can prove to have damaging effects that never go away. I don’t have kids, look, I’m able to see things differently than parents see, see? The fact that all of my friends’ kids were able to operate their parents camera phone by their 1,095th day is alarming.

When the bad guy is a police officer, a high school teacher, a minister, and 13 other respectable community figures, they’re virtually impossible to detect. We can’t teach anyone, especially young kids, what they look like but we can stop familiarizing them with a camera phone long before they begin grasping its capabilities—stop plastering head shots to every.single.thing you see.



A 14 year old girl with 2,000 selfies in her phone isn’t normal, it’s weird, if you don’t think that’s weird, you’re weird. Let’s go back to 1990 real fast, it’s only 30 years ago. Now imagine a 14 year old girl carrying around 2,000 glossy print, 3x5, Kodak stamped, selfies. Bikinis, dresses, it doesn’t matter—selfie, selfie, selfie is the #new normal. The girls in the gyms here, in Costa Rica, what a trip!! They’re not much older, maybe 20 years old but that’s my point, they’re too comfortable with selfies and camera phones.

The 20’ish year old girls come to the gyms here fully clothed in spandex pants, a shirt and a long sleeve zip-up. I saw one girl exercise long enough to get soaked in sweat, which isn’t difficult on the equator, strip down to her sports bra to take selfies in the mirror, on the gym floor, while swinging her sweaty hair around—true #story! Sometimes I want to take a picture so I can show Puravida but that’s what started this whole delusion—camera phones. That’s how comfortable they’ve become with cameras and selfies, each #photo is a performance—butt’s sticking out, puckered lips, smiling, not smiling, winking, blowing kisses, the whole nine. This page loves exploitation. Kids shouldn’t know how to operate a camera phone before they can walk and neither of you want to wear a disguise.

I think another mistake that needs to be embraced is the age of military acceptance. An 18 year old kid isn’t much brighter than a 16 year old kid, in fact, sometimes they’re dimmer—children are signing up for the military before they graduate high school. Having never known what it’s like to even have a personal bank account, nor a utility bill in their name or the ability to buy a coffee without asking mom for money should constitute they’re not of legal dying age.



Relax, this isn’t anti-military, it’s anti military acceptance age. Get recruiters out of the high schools and let these kids have seven years to develop their own thoughts. They’ve been thinking the way they’re taught to think for 12 years and, now that it’s over but prior to thinking for themselves, the military introduces catch phrases like “The Proud,” or “Army Strong” and “Be All You Can Be.” What’s the point of a military anyway?

Television wants you to believe military is necessary and they’ll use words called triggers to excite fear: Safety. National. Emergency. Danger. Threat. Crisis—they’re all triggers. In combination with promissory notes called Grants and College Tuition, you’ve developed obedience who’s willing to die for you. I just think if the military is so confident in their system, they can wait seven years, wait until their recruits are 25 years old but keep the college tuition on the table. Don’t go to their high school either, one indoctrination at a time. If your deal is such a good deal then a college education shouldn’t be negated—cover the tab. At the end of seven years, the student has two options: Work for you for four years as an educated college graduate in order to satisfy the debt or pay the loan in full with interest as an educated college graduate—nobody dies that way.

Out of all of the trigger words used to cause fear to be used as ammunition to solidify death, nobody talks about the foundation—profit. Behind every war, behind every authority, behind every military is one man who’s on a power trip and wants something he doesn’t have. Maybe if we stop feeding them military subjects they’ll stop being so greedy—wait until they’re 25!

I never used to think about these types of things when I didn’t have time—I have time now. I wish everyone had time to think. That’s another objective, to keep you busy. Eight on, eight off and eight to sleep with no remainder isn’t an accident. You’re too busy to pay attention to things like passwords and...


security questions.

How many apps, devices, past and new laptops, pc’s or kiosks have you answered security questions for? You’ve entered your mothers maiden name and last four of your social as many times as I have. The street you grew up on, high school mascot, first vehicle, you know the questions. The problem is, you’re not the only one who knows the answers anymore. In conjunction with your bank, who has your phone number, street address, spouses name and their last four, blood type, DNA, etc, if you’re plugging all of this information into an Apple device, it’s safe to say Tim Cook knows more about you than your mother. At least she doesn’t know what you look at on the internet when no one’s looking—mistake. Larry Ellison of Oracle knows more than her too—another mistake. More of your private information will be under one French roof this year in August than ever before—is it safe? Who knows, really, I don’t. Security is only flawless until it’s breeched. These are the types of things I think about, know why?

Because every entity I’ve mentioned in this article, the names I dropped, the parenting recommendations, climate concerns, military stance, all of the above—behind all of it is one human being who makes mistakes. The only reason they’re half decent at doing anything today is because they screwed it up so many times in the past. Nobody gets it right the first time, nobody, except for once, that’s it! There was a day no soul alive stood a chance at going against those power figures, I had my day too, so did you, we all did. That time is over now, it’s long gone and you’ve been screwing things up ever since, just like me, just like them.

The only time you were better than everyone in existence, the best, including everyone I mentioned in this article is the same time I was. Ever since then, it’s been a learning curve with substantially more mistakes than accuracies. It’s the one and only time any past or future President got it right, too. Ministers, mothers, instructors, captains, officers, managers, it doesn’t matter what their title or rank is, they’ve been making mistakes, just like you—except for once, that’s it! Only one time were you the best, better than everyone, the strongest, nobody else stood a chance against you that day, you were the smartest, fastest, quicker than everybody, every adjective you can think of—numero uno! The day you were a...




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