Minimalism - How I became a minimalist

In the last two years I was pretty much on a world trip, first it took me to the US but when I did not like that I moved to Asia, especially to China.

I lived out of a backpack. 3 pants, 4 TShirts, 5 pairs of socks, 5 pairs of pants, and a few other trifles. That's it. At that time, I realized - I had become (involuntarily) minimalist.


When I came back home after two years of travelling, the experience of being back home was strange. I suddenly had all these things around me and I needed a lot of time to clean up my apartment. Only then did I realized: I did not need all these things around me.

I started dumping lots of my clothes and donating many of my furniture, books, etc.

Now after 14 months of living as a minimalist, all I can say is that I have become a happier person.

But now my question to you us: Are you a minimalist or have you ever thought about becoming more minimalistic?

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