Laziness is a myth

A misconception in our society today is that laziness is an excuse or a character flaw but after several months of my own mental transformation I found laziness to be a myth. There is no real way to figure out why someone doesn't put as much effort in a task when another person does.

When I dug deep into my own emotions on this subject I began to realize that my laziness came from fear. Maybe slightly odd to say for the adrenaline junkie I have always been, but even I have my moments of self-doubt.

Fear of success is the first thought that I came up with and this fear is what kept me from starting this blog years ago. It sounds so silly but in reality, this is a major set back for many people. A lot of people view successful individuals as "money hungry," "greedy," "monsters" but in reality, these people are where they are because they busted their asses to get there. A successful person will never tell you they got there by sitting on the couch eating bonbons feeling sorry for themselves. These are the people you want in your life because they will be the first to motivate you and tell you that you can do it. Whereas, the others who don't live the lifestyle you want will try and keep you down to their level. Believe me, on this one, I have traveled for the past ten years and this is a lesson I have learned the hard way.

"I don't deserve it" or "who are you, to think you can do it" in fact the first time I brought up writing a blog and a YouTube channel to one of my ex-boyfriends that was his question "who are you, that people would want to listen?" he said. I am not sure that he meant it in a negative tone but it was said that way. He then tried to ask again but this time in a way that made it sound like I am awesome. But to be honest with you, to this day I resent him for asking it because it still makes me doubt myself when I think of it. I am going to be 100% real with you, if I said I didn't fear to be successful I would be lying. I still struggle sometimes with my own battles or projections others have placed on me. But over the years, I have learned that this fear is completely irrational and self-taught. I am who I am, and no one else can follow my dreams like I can, just like you are the only one that can follow your dreams and get it exactly right for you.

"The struggle isn't worth the effort." So many people choose the easy way out. Get a job and spend most of their hard earned money on taxes. Breaking this statement down to a saying "if you choose easy, you will have it hard." Keep that in mind next time you decide to do something because it is easy.

"It's impossible" this is my favorite rebuttal that I hear from so many because it never fails to make me roll my eyes in laughter. If it were impossible, no one else would have achieved anything. There wouldn't be new inventions, Elon Musk wouldn't be a famous engineer, GoPro would have never existed, trains, cars, the light bulb. This list can go on for days. Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible with enough persistence.

"It will change me", she said. If I get everything I want in life, I won't be who I am. Well of course not, you will be a better version of you. Much more free and dynamic. This also goes with the "it's impossible" statement. If we were all afraid of change and stuck on our couches none of the amazing strides we have made throughout the years would have existed. We would still be sitting in a cave, hunting for our food. The world is a great big ball of change from climate change to shuttles to Mars, change is around every day and it's a great thing to embrace.

These thoughts we allow to enter our brains can be broken down to very simple notions. It's all about restructuring the way we think with very easy steps to take. Replace some music time with a motivational speech, instead of watching t.v. go for a walk on a nice day, instead of eating more junk food, do one thing a day to get you closer to your goal, and keep in mind that you are your surroundings. If the people around you are not those who inspire you, move on. Once we start putting the ball in motion the right people will come along.

We are who we are but that doesn't mean that we can't be the person we want to be. Write it down and keep moving toward progression.

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