šŸ§  Your Mind Affects Matter!

We, humans, create our thoughts from our minds to influence the external world. How is that? Well let's take some examples: before you make that sandwich, do a workout, capture that picture or compose that song, you firstly think about it, right? We usually think of doing something before we actually do it. You might say: "Okay, but isn't it just an action that we affect?" Well, yes it is, but there is much more than that, coming up next!

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Guess what, our thoughts can greatly influence the STRUCTURE of the matter. Whhhaat? A Japanese scientist named Dr. Masaru Emoto has done an incredible discovery. His detailed experiments have proved how wave aspect - a THOUGHT affects the environment on frozen water examples. Here are some of microscopic shots of water crystals he managed to capture:

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Can you see the difference between "Thank you" and "I will kill you" crystals? What about "Fujiwara before prayer" and "Fujiwara after prayer"? The difference is spectacular! We can find symmetry, life, harmony, dynamics, light and beauty in positively affected environmental matter. On the other hand, negativity brings disharmony, death, a mess without any appearing structure. Which ones do you prefer to fill your life with? :)

Moving on, here is an experiment done with rice and water to show how powerful our thoughts are:

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What about being a little bit more thankful to what you eat? :) It's definitely worth it! I've been doing that for a year now and I know this was one of the significant reasons that helped me curing hypertension (high blood pressure) and asthma-symptom allergy. Here is what I usually say to my food, for example salads: "Dear salads, every single one of you, thank you for unlocking all of your nutrients and feeding me with those!" Even a simple "Thank you" can make a HUGE difference!

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Hope you got something valuable out of this blog!

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Some of my blogs:

ā˜› Ā 4 Cubes ā’ ā€“ find your life purpose

ā˜› Ā Shakira vs a friend in a shower ā€“ reach your GOALS more EFFECTIVELY

ā˜› Ā Brick By Brick to reach your goal

ā˜› Ā Deal with negativity - The Cursed Panda Game

ā˜› Ā Solve your problems effectively: Man On The Moon Contrast

ā˜› Ā Greetings from Denmark! (Introduction Post)

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