The Warrior's Greatest Weapon is their Mind...

A warrior's deadliest weapon is his mind...png

From the mind of Ghostknight...

For those that have made the conscious decision to NOT be a sheep and rise above and become a wolf (warrior) I would say congratulations. You have taken the first step on a long journey.

Do not kid yourself, the natural of the Universe is predatory... eat or be eaten... be a victim or become a warrior. I know some of you are screaming out that this is not the case AND that life is all about peace and love... For those of you with mentality GOODBYE... when and IF you become ready for this information it will still be here.

Every great warrior has had a training ground, laboratory or some sort of environmental stress that caused them to evolve (or die) and they emerged on the other side of the "test" stronger for the experience. Mine has been a long journey with many tests, but we will get into that another time. Suffice to say that I have earned my stripes, I am stronger and better for it.

One of the most important things that my journey has taught me is that a true warrior's greatest weapon is the MIND.


If we use the example of Bruce Lee, arguably one of the greatest warriors in the modern era... One of his greatest strengths and why HE was so successful was his MIND and WILL.

Bruce Lee suffered a back injury that would have been crippling for most (the rumour it was in a fight to defend his right to teach Kung Fu to westerners). Due to his injury he stuck in a hospital bed for months on end... What did he do? Did he lay in bed and feel sorry for himself? Likely for a while, BUT he soon started using the time to create the foundation for his unique fight system Jeet Kung Do (his first martial art was Wing Chun).

_The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent._ - Arnold Schwarzenegge.png

Another person (who I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple times) that achieved things beyond what anyone could would have imagined him capable of was Arnold Schwarzenegger.

This dude was a born into a normal family in Austria and came to the United States with minimal money in his pocket AND not speaking much English. He is hands down the best bodybuilder of ALL time (I don't care if anyone wants to try to argue about this), he conquered Hollywood, married into the Kennedy family (with is like American royalty) AND went on to become the Governor of California.

What set him apart from all the sheep?? His belief in the power of the MIND and his WILL.

Even in his early days of bodybuilding Arnold was big into visualization.... He also went on to get into meditation as well.

My point is this...

IF you are ready to get on the path to being the best version of YOU possible daily focus on the development of your MIND and WILL is essential.

So what is the aspiring warrior to do?

First step is trade your "Netflix and Chill" time for reading. Expand YOUR mind. What should you read? ANYTHING!

One of the books I am reading right now that I really like is TOOLS of TITANS by Tim Ferriss. If you don't know who he is use Google and check him out... He puts out some good info.

If you want to get into some heavier material THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu is absolute required reading for all warriors, as is the 48 LAWS of POWER by Robert Greene.

To develop your WILL a good starting point is martial arts... I am a big fan of Wing Chun.

Another way to work on developing WILL and DISCIPLINE is ICE COLD showers. Check out the WIM HOF METHOD if you want to go deeper on this.

Do yourself a favour and take your first steps on this journey (or continue on the path)... your FUTURE-SELF will thank you.



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