
Piers Of Plowman

This steemit post is related to William langlands most favourite and Masterpiece work in literary field and this work is highly pronounced in that age because there were only a few great writers and their writings where arranged at that time.With him Geoffrey Chaucer was only the person who highly reputed insight of literary progress.


Let's Enjoy some Snaps first

Working Helper:




The working man is our Worker who is paid with 300 INR /-. He is our permanent worker in our Tea Garden. He is excellent man, with soft and eloquent voice and work patiently. The two oxes are not hos own.He has taken them from his labour friend.In the very early Morning 4:30 A.M. he arrived at our house and working till 6:00 A.M. He ride these two oxes with bitten or directing oxes to their ways. Ploughing is not easy work. People thought it is so easy, but actually they were getting wrong.

Working by @binoddahal:



Our labour inspired me for working as a Plowman. I am not regular Plowman.But when he insisted me to do this.I also thought, let's have a look.But I can not leading oxes he laughed at me. I also considered that it wouldn't be by myself.Gentally, I have taken one Bambo loaded half round Pot and taken organic Cow-Dung called also Gobar.I just spread all Gobar in ploughing ground.
Note: I am Unpaid Labour.

Ploughing Land:





The Lang where we are working is located in Assam, India. Here in Assam the land is exceptional in all aspects of Cultivation. We are Proud to be lived Assassian Land.Assam is called the Pleasure Dome of India. The ground where now ploughing is on going once was the pond of Elegant Serpent's and Snakes. Before filling up with soil and Pieces of Land there are various kinds of King Cobra and others Yellow, Green coloured snakes have been living as their house. We have invest totally 100000 INR for filling up with Soil from our nearest River.

** In the starting I have said This post is related to Langland's Master Piece work for making your sense active about my post.Probably friend in Piers of Plowman same Cultivation related stories are described.I have read it one time.Really Amazing Contribution had been added by William Langland.**

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