Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

What apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is also known as cider vinegar. It is a very good health tonic which treats well for diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, high cholesterol, weight loss etc. it looks pale color. Vinegar has been used for many household purposes and for cooking purposes.

It is also used in dressing salads, food preservatives, etc. A tiny amount of potassium, amino acid and anti-oxidants are found in apple cider vinegar.

The apple cider vinegar diet is probiotic, and has many additional health benefits.

It plays a major role in weight loss. It helps to increase the metabolism and fewer calories entering the bloodstream. Thus it helps to reduce the weight by burning the fat.

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How to use?
1 to 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar in 1 glass water
Drink before meals 3 times a day
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Don't take Apple cider vinegar in original form, as it is highly acidic. It may irritate your throat if you drink it in large amounts.

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