Labour pain its not a easy one!

A lot women already have a preconceived idea about how they might cope with the pain, or even a predefined notion of what it will be like. The truth is, until you’re in labour, you won’t know for sure how your body (or mind) will cope with contractions and pushing, but I encourage everyone who is fearful to remember that your body is designed for this purpose, and where the pain is too much, there are plenty of safe options to support you through the birth.
Unsurprisingly, many women can have a huge fear of labour pain and while not everyone is afraid of it.The pain and discomfort during labour are all good signs that your labour is progressing as it should and that your baby will soon be here. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that getting through contractions and the pain of pushing, is physically and psychologically challenging. This blog explores exactly why your body is in pain during labour and what purpose this pain serves.
There are three harmones that play major role during labour pain
When things are going well this powerful trio of hormones work together and adapt to each other, to bring about labour and see you through to delivering your baby.
So if you’re nervous about labour pain, please know it’s absolutely normal to feel this way. Until you’ve done it, giving birth is the great unknown and one of the most incredible miracles that happens every day. Yes, it’ll hurt, but once your baby is in your arms, there is absolutely no pain – just overwhelming love and/or the feeling of being an absolute badass who just gave birth to a new human being.
Just sharing these thoughts for all girls out there.Hope all of you will like do comment and upvote
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