""DOWRY" or in our language "Dahej"

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"लड़की अच्छी है लेकिन दहेज के बारे में ......"
where are we heading, for a fact, a woman is killed every hour in India because her family failed to meet her husband and in-laws' demands for higher dowry payments and lavish gifts.
we all say mera "MERA BHARAT MAHAN" just search it on google 'dowry deaths ',India will be on first number after that Pakistan.Most dowry deaths occur when the young woman, unable to bear the harassment and torture, commits suicide. Most of these suicides are by hanging, poisoning or by fire. Sometimes the woman is killed by setting her on fire by her husband or inlaws ; this is known as "bride burning", and sometimes disguised as suicide or accident. Death by burning of Indian women have been more frequently attributed to dowry conflicts. In dowry deaths, the groom's family is the perpetrator of murder or suicide.Nearly the daughter-in-law is normally treated as the goose that lays the golden egg. Once they stop laying egg, they are tortured both mentally and physically.
It is a shame that reaching at modern age, the dowry scheme is still prevalent in our society. Like untouchability and caste system, dowry system is not only a meagre evil but also a criminal offence.

The marriage contract today is entered into more separately by both men and females. The character of the marriage contract has changed even more than in outward from. The traditional marriage ceremony in civilisation was based on the principle of male dominance and female obedience. But when the wife premises to ‘obey’ where this world remains in marriage ritual, she and her spouse alike are aware of the ceremony is for the most part relic of the past.Our marriage system is just like a contract there is no place for love emotions and anything else .daughters have to be labeled with a price tag to be sold in a fish market of marriage.In my view the main reason is neglecting a girls education,if a girl is educated and self dependent the society can't put a price tag on her ,present scenerio is changing but it do need a great effort and as always laws cannot stop a social evil ,it can only be stopped by all of us.
""do comment and share your views what you think about this topic,how it can be removed from India""
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