what is Breast cancer

Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue. Symptoms of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast, changes in the size of the breast, deficiency of skin, fluid coming from nipple, a new inverse nipple, or red or scaly patches of the skin. People who spread far away from the disease may have bone pain, swelling lymph nodes, shortness of breath, or yellow skin.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a deadly tumor (collection of cancer cells) generated from breast cells. Although breast cancer occurs primarily in women, it can also affect men. This article deals with breast cancer in women. Breast cancer and its complications can affect almost every part of the body.
What is the cause of breast cancer
There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of breast cancer development. Although we know some of these risk factors, we do not know the cause of breast cancer or these factors cause cancerous growth.
We know that due to mutation in DNA, normal breast cells become cancerous, and although some of these are inherited, most DNA changes related to breast cells are acquired during one's life.
Proto-oncogenes help in developing cells. If these cells are mutated, they can increase the development of cells without any control. Such mutations are known as oncogenes. Such uncontrolled cell development can cause cancer.

Types of breast cancer
Breast cancer may start in different areas of the breast - ducts, lobules, or in some cases, between tissues. In this section, you can learn about different types of breast cancer, including non-invasive, aggressive, and metastatic breast cancers, as well as the internal or molecular subtype of breast cancer.

Ductal carcinoma (DCIS) in Siitu
Aggressive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)
IDC type: Tubular carcinoma of the breast
IDC type: Modular carcinoma of the breast
IDC type: mucous carcinoma of the breast
IDC type: Breast papillary carcinoma
IDC type: Breast cortical carcinoma
Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC)
Inflammatory breast cancer
Lobular carcinoma in Cibu (LCIS)
Male breast cancer
Molecular Subtype of Breast Cancer
Nipple's Paget Disease
Phyllodes of Breast Tumors
Metastatic breast cancer

Symptoms of Breast Cancer: What You Should Know
An important way of maintaining your breast health is to know how your breasts normally look and feel, and know what is looking for change.

Finding breast cancer as soon as possible gives you a better chance of successful treatment. But to know what is to be seen is not an option for mammograms and other tests, which can help detect breast cancer in its early stages even before any symptoms appear.

Benin (non-cancerous) breast status is more common than breast cancer, but it is important to inform your health care team about any changes in their chest so they can be checked out immediately.

Below are some common breast symptoms and what they mean.
A lump in your breast

A lump or mass in the breast is the most common symptom of breast cancer. Such lumps are often difficult and painless, although some may be painful. However, not all lumps are cancerous. There are many benign breast conditions (such as cyst) that can cause lumps.

However, it is important that your doctor sees a new lump or mass immediately. If this cancer occurs, then it is better diagnosed soon.
Swelling your breast, collarbone, or around it

Breast inflamed swelling can be a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer, disease.

Swelling or lump around your collarbone or side can be due to breast cancer, which spread to lymph nodes in those areas. Before you can feel a lump in your breast, it can become swollen, so if you have this symptom, then be sure to see the doctor.
Skin thickness

If your chest skin looks like orange peel or turns red, then check it immediately. Often, these are due to mastitis, breastfeeding is normal in breastfeeding women. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of infection.

If your symptoms do not improve after a week, however, check again because these symptoms may also be due to swelling breast cancer. This form of breast cancer can look a lot like a breast infection, and because it grows quickly it is important to diagnose it as soon as possible.
Breast heat and itching

Like skin thickness and redness, breast heat and itching may be symptoms of mastitis - or swelling breast cancer. If antibiotics do not help, then see your doctor again.
Nipple varies

Breast cancer can sometimes make changes in how your nipple looks. If your nipple gets interrupted, or the skin becomes thick or red or scaly, then check with the doctor immediately. All of these can be symptoms of breast cancer.

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Treating Breast Cancer

Which treatments were used for breast cancer?
There are many ways to treat breast cancer, depending on its type and stage.

Local treatments: Some treatments are local, meaning they treat the tumor without affecting the rest of the body. Types of local therapy used for breast cancer include:

Radiation therapy

Systemic treatments: Drugs used to treat breast cancer are considered systemic therapies. They can not be found in the bloodstream. Depending on the type of breast cancer, including:

Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy

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