Special tasks for your good sleep


milk drinking

A warm milky drink at bedtime is a time-honoured tradition to help us fall asleep. This idea is based on

milk containing the protein building block tryptophan, an amino acid that has sleep-inducing eects.

In truth, one glass doesn’t give us enough of this amino acid to have a sleep-inducing action. There is

some, although limited, research to suggest that calcium, a mineral found in dairy and fortied


milks, is associated with ease of dropping o,

with researchers suggesting this may be down to the

mineral helping to lower blood pressure. The bottom line? If you nd

a warm mug of milk helps you to

relax and drift o,

keep having it.


Rice and pasta

You could try having a high glycaemic index (GI) carbohydrate with your evening meal. Scientists from the

University of Sydney discovered that when men ate high-GI jasmine rice with their dinner, they fell asleep

more easily than if they ate a low-GI rice. They speculate this may be down to high-GI carbs increasing the

release of the calming brain chemical serotonin. Other high-GI carbohydrates include baked potatoes and

couscous, which also may be worth a try


ThesResearch reveals that, likee are among the richest dietary sources of the trace mineral selenium. 

calcium, less selenium in the diet is associated with more diculty

falling asleep and getting less so-called

‘restorative’ sleep. Aim for two to three nuts a day

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