MEXICO IS A FAILED STATE (and so is yours)

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Their Army is on the streets in full force in many Mexican cities and neighborhoods. Why? Because their "police", "judges", and "prosecutors" were so corrupt, they became a major working part of the Drug Cartels themselves. This is ALWAYS the end game of violent corruption. TOTAL CONTROL.

Americans are beginning to be targeted there and the State Department issued a stern travel warning against TRAVELING to Mexico due to the GROWING VIOLENCE... even in places like Puerto Vallarta and Cancun. Spring Break is canceled there if you are wise.

The USA, INC. has pumped over 2.6 Billion USD into Mexico since before 2008. In 2008, the Mexican "Government" passed the reforms to their legal system Americans PAID for with their money. The USA totally revamped their legal system, training judges, prosecutors and passing many needed human rights reforms including actual DUE PROCESS for once in their nasty history. In 2010, the large "state" of Chihuahua (borders Texas) overturned much of the national legal infrastructure legislation, rolling back most "progress" there. Now they want to do this nationally: bring back torture and bring back GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.

Why would Mexico do this? Because they were being forced to RELEASE "criminals" due to them being forced to use proper, LAWFUL DUE PROCESS. They HATE the USA "legal" system we built for them there because it does not work there. My guess is that they are both very impatient (such a wide and deep reform would take decades to actually enact in a "free" society) AND VERY INCOMPETENT.

If you know the average USA farm slave is an idiot, just imagine how slobberingly stupid the average farm slave is in Mexico. Their highest "officials" are all dumber than a bag of hammers. What do you get when your "leaders" are totally corrupt and stupid as shit? You get over 21K murders, with INCREASING VIOLENCE. There IS a CIVIL WAR in Mexico and most of you do not even know about it.

Please, for the future of your families and friends, STOP watching Mainstream "NEWS" and PROGRAMMING. Most people are NOT mentally strong enough to resist the programming (brainwashing) USED ON AMERICANS BY THEIR OWN CIA and other EVIL INTEL Agencies for many decades now.

When the CIA OPENLY admits that the Vault 7 LEAK is CORRECT and you are STILL APATHETIC, what does that portend for the future? They have been spying on your emails and phone calls EN-MASS since the mid-80s under PROJECT ECHELON. They have been able to remotely TURN ON any electronic device with a computer in it and both listen to you and see you, especially ALL CELL PHONES, (NO INTERNET CONNECTION or WIFI NECESSARY) SINCE THEIR APPEARANCE IN THE MARKET! Smart TVs and all CABLE BOXES are watching you in your home and you do not care.

There has been ZERO privacy for anyone using the internet, cell phones, land lines, and pagers since their invention. They know EVERYTHING ABOUT US. THEY KNOW ALL OUR DIRTY LITTLE "SECRETS". PRO TIP: We have no secrets. This FACT really pisses me off. What pisses me off more is i was alive and watched them construct their surveillance state around me in rapid fashion.

One year, hardly any cameras. The next, in the early 2000's, they were EVERYWHERE. Even in intersections in SMALL TOWNS with no red lights. I talked about fighting back then and tried my best to find a single MAN wiling to fight back and RISK everything doing so. I could never even find one MAN willing to fight... so i LEFT. By the way, i knew a lot of military men. All of them were cowards if it meant fighting actual corruption within the USA.

If i had $5 million USD and 3000 actual MEN, i could end most of the major problems facing the Remnant BY DEFENSIVE FORCE. The people working for the USA GOV are also very stupid by and large. Yes they do have some geniuses working for them. Yes, the Trump Admin is doing good things, imo. The problem is we have MANY DECADES of INSTITUTIONALIZED CORRUPTION to deal with. I hope Trump realizes that piecemeal and incrementalism do not work well for those fighting for a LAWFUL and PEACEFUL SOCIETY.

Our situation is a WAR, whether you choose to believe it or not. You have already been the victim of this war for decades and you do not even know why. You have no clue how to end the Drug War or to End the Israeli problem. You have no idea how to end poverty and gain full employment. You have no idea how to end the crippling DEBT cycle choking the life from your family. You have no idea how to really get to Know your Creator. You also have no idea that it is INFINITELY MORE IMPORTANT FOR HIM TO KNOW YOU.

I DO. The only reason i have any wisdom is because i have been hearing from my Father in Heaven for many years and i read a lot. I especially love reading the Hebrew Scriptures in English.

The reason i wrote this is because humans like George Soros, the Rothschild banking dynasty, and most of your SOCIOPATHIC/PEDOPHILE/SATANIC "leaders" really do want most of humanity DEAD. They have an evil genius CONSPIRACY that spans Centuries and you probably do not believe it. Most of you will not believe me. Out of the FEW who do, most of you will DO NOTHING ABOUT IT.

You should really find out WHY that is because they want the USA to become far WORSE than Mexico currently is. I have no idea if Trump is on their side as all Presidents have been in my lifetime. My gut tells me, no. Please consider giving Trump a chance. I do realize the constant media brainwashing DOES WORK (so does advertising). Most of you have misgivings at least and many of you actually HATE him. Please comprehend that you really are both the target and victim of CIA MIND CONTROL.

Pray about it. Ask my Father in Heaven for MORE wisdom, faith, and discernment. Ask Him to teach you how to protect YOUR Gates, the gates of your home, neighborhood, and city. PLEASE ASK HIM!

I could prove all this to a wise man or woman. But so can you if you have even two remaining brain cells bumping together. Do not blame me for your apathy and stupidity. Go change it. Spend four hours a day READING even though you HATE it. I even know WHY you hate reading but i will not tell you. Please GROW UP. Your god/daddy, the GOVERNMENTS of Earth DO NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART and they have caused you and your loved ones GREAT HARM. They have disrespected you massively and they laugh at you daily. Yet, you care not.

They are murdering you slowly right now. You do not care. Someday soon, they will begin murdering you wholesale. THEN you will care but it will be too late because you FAILED to RESIST WITH BLOOD when it was easy to do so. I still feel there is a small chance the USA, INC. Communist/Fascist Regime (DEEP STATE) can be overcome. It will take much prayer and much ACTION.

1984 and WORSE is HERE and yet you still shop at WalMart, Starbucks, use Google and Amazon, and have no idea you are a farm slave. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM unless you WAKE UP AND REPENT! Your APATHY and LOVE for SIN will be the DEATH of all you love unless you heed my WARNINGS. DEFENSIVE ACTIONS are required for survival and you are ASLEEP at the HELM of your family.

This is my current working sociological theory: If a human is too weak, apathetic, and stupid to WANT to discover the TRUTH and ACT upon it when it is FREELY AVAILABLE, NOTHING i can ever say or do will grant them wisdom, kindness, and rationality.

It LITERALLY takes my Father in Heaven GRANTING THEM THE MIRACLE OF real life... an awake life, a NEW LIFE full of HIS SPIRIT; ALERT and full of RIGHTEOUS ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS. It literally takes becoming a real MAN or WOMAN who walks in the Spirit as Yahushua does, FULL of HIS Righteousness, Love, and POWER. The SAINTS CAN WIN THIS WAR! They merely need righteous leadership and a willingness to love others. I am a simple man and it happened to me at the Will of Yahweh. It CAN happen to you given enough faith and time.

Where the Spirit of Yahweh is, there is LIBERTY. Selah

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Galt's Ghost


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