Enzymes and Metabolism - Big New Performance Boosts

//Enzyme Magic//

Medical science continues to push the boundaries of health related treatments and findings. Health and fitness are a big part of our daily lives and athletes from all over will acidly look into scientific findings to boost performance and training efficiency. We took a look at the novel approach of HUMBLE in a previous post that encouraged usage of fat stores as energy, a positive impact to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Extending on this theme, researchers have found that inhibiting a certain fat-regulating enzyme can yield great benefit to endurance based activity as seen in mice. Let’s take a quick look at cell metabolism and the responsible enzyme.

//Longer and Faster//

Glucose, insulin and adapting the body to use fats as an energy source is important. Fat adaptation is not entirely understood yet otherwise it would be beneficial to develop therapies to switch this on demand. Researchers have however observed a relationship when the body disables its ability to regulate the switching of energy sources from sugars to fats. Prolyl hydroxylase 3 (PHD3) ensures that the body uses its preferred source of sugars first and then moves onto fats, reverting back to sugars after the body has replenished its stores. Inhibiting this regulating enzyme in mice yielded an instant 40 percent gain before exhaustion in addition to a 50 percent gain in performance, running for longer much faster. Such performance increases indicate that oxygen capacity is highly boosted, measurable as VO2 max.

//Inhibit and Interact//

Enzyme inhibition is an interesting approach to performance boosts and these results are comparable to certain SARMS that have also been seen to increase these areas of performance. Researchers will continue to investigate this area of cell metabolism as it could potentially reform various medical treatments and physical performance regimes. PHD3 works in tandem with ACC2, another enzyme that prevents fat based energy spending. Inhibiting PHD3 creates less ACC2, meaning that the body shifts towards additional fat based energy burning.

//Healthier Future//

Aside from enhancing physical based activities, a link between specific caners such as leukaemia has been seen as PHD3 levels tend to be lower as the body is forced to break down fats. Manipulating these levels may establish ways to treat similar conditions. Enzyme studies will be an area that scientists use to probe and understand other connected functions. It will hopefully open up new and exciting opportunities to develop novel approaches to health related treatments and enhancements.


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