“Our” Message Here - Contest To Write a Very Short Message Of Freedom

Please help me fill this little area of my boom truck with an concise, appropriate message that communicates the message of self ownership and liberty. Been sitting here in the office and thinking “that spot is crying out to be filled”. It’s a small, maybe 12 x 16 inch or so area that is prominently facing forward above the cab. Eyes seem naturally drawn there.

I’ve been painting and fixing all the little stuff while we save up to get the big stuff done and get the certification. This is like a finishing touch (temporary) for the paint.

I’ve been wracking my ill equipped brain for a short, pithy quote or saying that tells the world that I am an anarchist without being confrontational. Seeing as how I am still interested in making a meager living.
As anyone who ever read anything that I wrote could attest. I am anything but concise. And I tend to be too willing to share my opinions even with customers. So I am the least qualified for a job like this.

I beseech you my non aggressive brethren to assist me with composing or discovering a message that would be readable to people 30 to 40 feet away and which might cause someone to actually consider the crucial differences between anarchy and virtually any other system.

I’m going to paint the letters black and they should probably be at least two inches tall.

Will you take a moment to help me?

Oh yeah. The contest. The winning sentence / meme / saying / adage or whatever will get every bit of steem stuff I have earned since I’ve been here. (Will probably need some help figuring out how to do that). For whatever that is worth. I have no idea.
But mostly you’ll win the pleasure of knowing that over the years virtually thousands of people and most likely generations of people will read and cogitate about your thoughts.A2C8C666-7D18-4A32-A68C-A620336680CE.jpeg

I thank you for your time.

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