Mental Health Monday - When It Hasn't Been Your Day, Your Week, Your Month...

First and foremost, this is not intended to make anyone worry about me. I am well. I am dealing with myself and taking it a day at a time.

Here we go. I'm surrounded by friends and loved ones, and I am happy, for the most part. However, that goddamn Anxiety Monster rears its ugly head and I shut down. I want to hide. I want to stay home and never leave. I wear a happy smile, I post happy thoughts, but am I really living happily? I want to say yes, so badly.
But it isn't hopeless! I know things are improving. I know I'm not as bad with my depression as I once was. However...
I recently had something trigger a shame-filled, bad-bad childhood memory. I'm alone in dealing with that as I will never reveal it. This is actually the first time I'm even admitting outside of my own mind that it even happened. I just can't.

I think this is all I can manage today. Talking about my own mental health exhausts me. Find me on Discord at hethur240#5582. Take care.

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