The Good News Blog 2. Bringing you Inspiration every week.

I have been consciously spending some time each week looking for positive story’s, breakthrough studies, heart-warming moments, inspiring songs, which keep my little candle light flickering through the negative news tornado. I am going to try a weekly Good News post, to share that upliftment and positivity with others, because we need it.

You can shift your perspective. The internet may be many scary things, but it is one of our greatest tools for moving forward in my opinion. Start using it Wisely!

Image Courtesy of @riverflows

Truck driver rescues 93-Year-Old woman after a fire evacuation notice was Issued.

On Thursday morning, a mandatory evacuation was issued for the area of Magalia, California, as a result of a rapidly spreading fire. Dane Cummings, a waste management driver, was driving his truck along his regular route when he heard the announcement and decided to drive around and check on elderly residents.

93 year old Magaret Newsum, a local resident, had also heard the evacuation notice, but her caretaker who regularly stays with her left that morning. Margaret, who a few months earlier had broken her back and was not very mobile, was determined to make it outside to get the attention of someone who could help her evacuate the area. Cummings arrived to check on Margaret and was glad that he did when he found her in the garden waving him down for help. “I decided we were going to get her out of there, I knew if that fire came over the hill she was in trouble”.

With nowhere to go except for an evacuation centre, Cummings was not willing to leave the recovering Margaret who he had known for 8 years there. He arranged for her to stay with his friend Brian who is pictured above with Margaret & Cummings. Margaret said, "I am positive, and I knew I was going to get out of there. I didn’t know how, and here I’ve got an angel driving this great big green monster.” Due to the flames there was only one route out of town, Cummings loaded Margaret into his truck and spent 5 hours driving her to safety.


A fine example of a beautiful human

Are you worried about Electromagnetic exposure? Well……. there’s an app for that!

David Migliacci believes that there should be more transparency regarding our exposure to electromagnetic radiation, he took matters into his own hands and founded the ElectroSmart app. We are continually bombarded with this form of radiation which is emitted from smartphones, Bluetooth speakers, routers etc, meaning we are virtually exposed to it 24/7 in work, school, home and dining out. Although a hot topic and rather inappropriately thrown into the conspiracy field, research has linked electromagnetic radiation to many health complaints including headaches, insomnia and depression.

Using the app to monitor radiation levels will mean that people can make informed decisions no matter where they are regarding what they are exposed to and how long they are exposed to it for. “Electromagnetic radiation is not like classic pollution, by moving a short distance from the source your exposure levels can drop significantly.”
If you get a high reading, you could move the router in your home/office or choose a different place to sit. The app has already been downloaded 75000 times, and although it doesn’t solve the problem it can aid us in limiting our exposure levels.


Image Source

Sadly, it is only available for Android users, and as far as I can tell there are no plans to release a version for ios. But most people know someone who is using Android, you could always ask a family member, friend, or colleague to download the app and adjust your surroundings so you’re not being bathed in radiation.

I recommend turning off your wifi router before you go to bed, and not having the router in the kitchen, potentially showering your food with radiation. I also recommend investing £5 on an alarm clock and switching your phone off at night, or at least don’t sleep with it in the same room. This will likely be the only time your body gets a break from it and it only involves switching off some devices! Easy!

According to Science, Cat’s are both a liquid and a solid.

If you share your living space with a cat, as do I, you will have noticed its uncanny ability to fit into almost anything. It truly is mind boggling. After some entertaining viral hype around this phenomenon, a physicist Paris Diderot, decided to examine the matter scientifically, which hysterically resulted in him winning a 2017 Ig Nobel, a parody of the Nobel, which its organisers say they award to people who first make people laugh, then make people think.

"At the center of the definition of a liquid is an action: A material must be able to modify its form to fit within a container. If we take cats as our example, the fact is that they can adapt their shape to their container if we give them enough time. Cats are thus liquid if we give them the time to become liquid."

In the official research paper, Fardin discusses many factors including relaxation time, experimental time, the type of container, and the cat's degree of stress, and uses complex math to illustrate how they can be both forms.


Experimental prison in Brazil gives Inmates keys to their cells, & it’s working.

This next story/short 1 minute video is a true demonstration of one of my favourite quotes:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” Martin Luther King. Jr

We’ve all heard or read horror stories about Brazilian prisons. Valdeci Ferreira is part of a long-standing mission to change things, and hopefully this will be adopted on a larger scale if success continues.

“The APAC prisons are so radically different to the traditional system, that the inmates are given the keys to their own cells. None choose to leave. The majority of prisoners have a chaotic, and often violent, family background, they can lack even the most basic education, and struggle to get access to jobs. Drugs and addiction also play a huge role.This, and the consequences of mass incarceration, helps to explain why so many prisoners go on to re-offend. Conditions can be so inhumane that prisoners are released a hardened – and more criminal – version of their former selves. Most are shunned by society and cannot get a job, making a relapse into crime almost inevitable”


Inspirational Music

This week I am sharing an Artist called Immortal Technique. An extremely talented guy, very intelligent, informed and able to express knowledge in lyrics like a boss. This is not a standard music song or video, but absolutely one that warrants sharing.

We have a class ism problem, not everything is racism’s fault.

Dont forget to drink water and get some sun. You’re basically a house plant with more complicated emotions.

Much Love

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