Three Steemians brave the Arlesey Crypto Walk

Last weekend I proposed a crypto walk around the village of #Arlesey where I live. I hoped that some of the London crowd could make it out to the countryside and maybe some people I know who are new to Steem could come along to learn more about it. Unfortunately a lot of people seemed to have other plans, but as a couple said they could make it I decided to go ahead. So we have @adetorrent from North London and @molometer from Cambridge.

Obviously I suck at selfies and this was the only picture I managed to take, but the others had proper cameras and I hope they can post lots of pictures.

We started at the station and wandered through the Glebe Meadows and Old Moat nature reserves. The former is full of wild flowers and there were loads of butterflies around. The latter is mostly woodland following the River Hiz which is small, but clear and several fish were visible.

We met a cat on the way to the Mill Pits where the remains of an old watermill can be seen. I had hoped for some birdlife, but there was not much around.

Then it was past the tree nursery where the trees have to be well fenced in (genetic experiments?) and on to the meadow where the horses graze, but they were off in the distance.

We walked back through the village where I pointed out the local landmarks. We made our way back to the pub near the station for a refreshing drink before we made our way home. It was quite a walk for all of us and I may have overdone it with a morning run too. I needed to burn off some calories from the party last night.

There was lots of chat along the way about Steem. Ade and I had not met Michael before, so there was some fresh inspiration for us all. I always learn things when I get together with Steemians and the bandwidth of face to face is so much better than on-line.

I may do this again and could take a different route next time. I will try to find a time when more people can make it. Is a Sunday morning better or even a Saturday?

Steem on!

The geeky guitarist and facilitator of the 10K Minnows Project.

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