Meeting the Faces Behind the Screen: TeamMalaysia CNY Gathering and Pay for Burgers with Steem

After being on this platform for approximately 2 months and knowing some Steemians, finally I went for my first meet-up with more from #teammalaysia for a Chinese New Year gathering hosted by @aaronleang and @joannewong last Sunday evening.

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The turn out was great though @iamjadeline and I arrived late due to our children's naptime. @danielwong who had been working the whole week due to the lack of staff in his burger place had to rest at home, had to miss this gathering because after I got back, he actually went to work on the preparations for a catering till 4am the next morning. Nevertheless, I was thankful that the boy could stay home with him after a long day the day before for a friend's wedding.

Teammalaysia CNY 2018 Gathering at the Pool Villa

I met many wonderful people but took very few photos by myself because the photos I take tend to be overexposed, so I got to learn to work on this more. Still, I was glad I could finally see the faces of many behind their Steemit IDs. Seriously, I wish I did not feel that shy to take out my phone to take more photos with you all.

Here are some wonderful posts by some in #teammalaysia about the gathering that I would like to link you to:

I am certainly glad that many have posted their posts about the gathering and thankful for all the photographers, which is why I thought they did an excellent coverage of the event so I would be writing about it briefly. I was happy to meet some of those I have met earlier some weeks ago at a food tasting event such as @zord189, @littlenewthings, @elizacheng, @casperleow, @aaronleang and @joannewong who are all ever-friendly and always make me feel at home with their presence, thank you. In the party itself, I met @digitalmind, @maverickfoo, @deborism, @calebleejl and @asherlee upon arriving at the car park.

After taking some food to just sat down and "observe" first, @kokuryo came to have a chat. I have always wanted to meet him because he gave me an impression that he is a very easy-going person, and true enough. Of course, we have to meet the big brother of #teammalaysia, @bitrocker2020 whom my husband has told me that he is a very nice guy. After warming up a bit, I met and chatted longer with @joyceann21 from the Philippines, an expat working in Mindvalley along with @chuazm, @cshaw and @elvira.galina. These are the ONLY two photos I took that night, hahaha! :P

IMG_20180228_203149.jpg Photo taken with @joyceann21

Photo taken with @elvira.galina

It was certainly my privilege meeting @siren87 whom I adore her desserts posts since I first joined Steemit, Not forget to mention, @dianaxiaz a young beautiful designer whom I met when we first came into the pool villa. We also met the talented @aaronteng. This place has a picturesque view of the whole cityscape of Kuala Lumpur with a little pool where the children had a blast dipping in, either their legs, hair or bottom, especially the super adorable @asherlee. They got all wet but the smiles on their faces said it all. Of course, @michelleloh168 whom I have known for years came to join in the fun later. @chloephuan93 and I were like enjoying ourselves watching the children and I am happy I finally met this young lady too. From far, I saw @natalielo and husband @crypto3d, whom Daniel has mentioned to me before and @khimgoh whose son was joining the water fun. Unfortunately, @iamjadeline and I had to leave earlier as her son, Jayden was having school the following day but we were stopped by @shenoy with his crew @varunpinto to be interviewed together with @dianaxiaz. I then learnt that they came all the way from India for this event. I literally wow-ed at their passion! I did not manage to talk to some of those that I saw from afar like @yasminep, @kevinwong, @sjennon, @firepower, @wackybecky, @arwinzen, @kimzwarch, @branlee87 and also @nickychu whom I met only on our way out. We got to meet @ackhoo and @zord189 of all places at the parking lot, haha. All in all, it was a very eye-opening night. I may have forgotten to mention some of the names, so sorry for that. Really thankful to @joannewong and @aaronleang for the efforts and hard work in organizing and catering! :)

A Smaller Meetup at Big Hug Burgers (@bighugin)

@aaronleang asked me to pass a message to my dear husband who was absent that they would be going to Big Hug Burgers today. I tagged along with @littledrummerboy, Levi who shied himself away once he entered the door. Hahaha. At first, he wanted me to stick as close to him and did not dare to go near the table where @davidke20, @bitrocker2020, @joannewong, @sjennon, @varunpinto, @shenoy, @aaronleang and @firepower were seated at. So, we ended up sitting at a table behind them to let Levi "observe" them from behind. It took him a while to warm up and of course, his favorite food at his daddy's shop, THE FRIES helped a lot!

@littledrummerboy's best friend: THE FRIES!

Then he saw the uncles happily playing with the Steemit stickers @sjennon gave and he started to laugh along.

@varunpinto was friendly to come over to take interest in what Levi's watching and he gladly shared his interest about Mickey Mouse with him.

Next, came @firepower too. Maybe @littledrummerboy was explaining to them about the video he was watching.

Looks like @littledrummerboy has bonded with @varunpinto!

@varunpinto and @shenoy setting up to let @danielwong promote his Big Hug Initiative to pay with Steem!

image.jpg Our honour meeting @firepower who is also a witness, committed to build this platform, evangelizing about it everywhere with his firepower team! You can tell they are on firepower when they would fly all the way here for the gathering! Photo credit: @aaronleang.

@sjennon and I. Finally, I got to speak with her a little today, got to know her as a Dutch who is travelling on to Singapore and Indonesia. She is also part of the firepower team. She is very tall and pretty @danielwong and I are glad to meet a real Dutch, when we only saw Van der Saar, Van Persie and all on TV lol!

I got to take photo with the two amazing hosts for the CNY gathering, @aaronleang and @joannewong, YAYYYY!

I also finally got to meet the legendary @davidke20, big brother for #cn-malaysia, whom I did not take photo with my phone :(

The @littledrummerboy was still talking about the sticker he received and called it the "smiling eye" before he slept.


From their faces, I could tell they are exhausted after all the traveling, yet still very enthusiastic. Do catch up with some rest, @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto, @shenoy, and including @aaronleang, @davidke20 and @bitrockers2020 too who have just returned from Penang.

It is truly my privilege to learn from and meet all of you in these two settings! I mean who would have thought a social media platform would connect us all together and we get serious with things to actually meet each other up right? Maybe Malaysia is a smaller country so it makes meeting up easier but still, it takes so much effort from all parties! I look forward to meet all of you again someday and till then, take care!




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