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Why is meesterboom downvoting Telokanda's project to get Starlink to Mcsamm in Africa and his hive water wells which can actully help people? Oh because i criticized his low quality circle jerked bad writing that we have to see on front page everyday


anyone else sique of seeing the same meesterboom bad writing get undeserved 100 dollars from the same circle jerk content farm abusing hive and downvoting anyone who criticizes them?

im makong more from dlease than hive posts so i really dont care about the 5 to 10 cents a day hes taken away as revenge for one single sentence buried in a hive post about the problems with hive in general but this "dog piling anyone who says anytjing negative about hive" is really "not a good look"

oh whats that? it IS deserved and thats tough luck on my part because thats just who owns the stake? well its tough luck that justin sun took your i mean HIS money

oh i see when things go your way you say CODE IS LAW

but when code is law doesnt woek oit for you like with justin sun, hah you get the actual law involved and try to sue? only revealing how utterky lame steem and hive both are, that you will cave to any government pressures ans wont actually be a decentralized free blockchain that doesnt care what the gov or courts say like we expected...

i dont care about thr pennies a day i cant redeem now even though my content was cueated not by autovotes like meesterboom and taskmaster etc but i do care about hives potential to help people in developing countries and the west to actually end poverty one day ...but it will never happen with petty whales that downvite your entire week of highly curated posts because you said something negative but fair about them

meesteebooms low quality bad writing does nothing to help hive and his scatter brained comments and nonesense writing is worse than me! at least i actually help new users and do a lot for this damn chain as basically a volunteer, and all i asked was to let those people who decide to upvote me to get a chance at curation and see their upvote rewards go to who they voted...not get cancelled out by some whale who will ene up really hurring hive in the future when we get a chance to onboard some serious celebrities and companies only to have them downvoted by some self righteous whale one day

imagine hive is $40 we are on the cusp of getting a giant corporation to invest a billion dollars in hive to get us to $500 per hive and we see some whale start downvoting them and all their users unilaterally with no fair content moderation system in place to stop it

well hive is broken and no one likes the downvote system. its abusive and people cant handle it as you can see here where one COMMENT aboit meesterboom and his low quality circle jerk posts were used as an example of why hive sucks...and then he proceeds to VENGENVE downvote all my posts! at this point i only stick around to fight and win as i did last time and i will this time as well

even if i have to leave hive to make more money on snipverse and come back to buy delegation just to get on the front oage and downvote him back just once, it will be worth it lol. but im not that petty and wouldnt actually stoop that low. you see i feel its necisary to move hive to a golos/snipverse model where we onky have liquid tipping and upvotes are only for hivedev and proposal posts and hp is juat for witness voting pretty much as all rewards tokens are using actual layer 1 SMTs not centralized cliques like leofinance which is another huge problem with hive , spending too much on one small community with jerey rigged messy sloppy solutions and worse censorshio than twitter where i got almost all my accounts back but am still nuted for no reason on @leofinance (i said a moderators game looked bad and nuted forever just like that even after being one of the earliest investors and doing nothing but offering help to leo oh well another fake community hive has decided to support while peakd and hive blog rot away with no one helping them as much as they should

all the time and energy going into leo finance and low quality writers like meesterboom who downvote anyone who speak against them is why hive is still 30 cents

hive never even hit 4 dollars while steem was already 8 by this under 2 years steem was at over 8 dollars while in 2 yeats hive was under 1 and is still under 50 cents maybe even dropping to 20 something cents again

why is hive so badlt performing? because theres no good users or content its all just vaporware and no one can even make a feint end as nice as

i dare you to come buy more snips than me i double dogecoin dare uou ...go ahead buy snips stake ane try to downvote me ...ill always have more snips than you and my snips will go up a lot higher than hive ...ill bet half my hive on it ...yup its time to sell some hive engine projects and remove liquidity from the pools before impermanent loss sets in...time to buy sqap.ltc or swap.eos to send to or kucoin and buy more xpr proton ...ill end up making more money and thats all that matters...not how many upvotes you get ... oue hive accounts wont be valuable in the future if no one cares abiut hive ...time to snap out of it

look at this example of vengence downvoting ... @meesterboom who enjoys circle jerk upvotes on all his posts with low quality writing has decided ro take revenge on all my posts going against all the upvotes of all the actual voters curating my work

this is why no one likes hive, i expressed my dislike of meesterbooms boring terrible writing and his circle jerk upvotes and he decides to take out his anger on all my hive posts which actually are being curated by a LOT of hive users with some hivepower that i actually deserve since i was the one to convince a lot of these people to buy or keep buying

whats the point of using hive when you cant even speak your mind? i mean i dont care now that Im earning more from in staking and earnings and will soon have more in SNIPS stake than hivepower... i dont need the extra ten oennies a day i get from hive posts, ill make plenty from dlease which @meesterboom and @freebornesociety cant touch

maybe i should have used an anonymous account and hid from the shadows like a coward and made my needed criticism that way and kept my dollar a week in rewards? what sucks is all the people who wasted their time upvoting wow one guy can just decide to just cancel out all those uovoters who ACTUALLY curated my posts

when a whale downvotes Good content like mine on purpose over a petty butt hurting, its the same abuse of hive as dtube does when they upvote bad content on purpose


and hes taking out his anger on @telokanda a project doing nothing but helping Hive and users in Africa even securing funding for starlink from @telosnetwork for our own @mcsamm ans @collinz

are you going to start downvoting @mcsamm and @collinz too meesterboom? because i reblog and support them a lot so you may as well downvote them while your at it and show the world how you really feel

instead of cooperating to help hive grow the hive whales and dolphins like meesteeboom here who have no power in their nerdy real lives have decided to unilaterally downvote every single post ive made in the last week as a show of force to make an example of me and punish anyone who says any criticism against their shitty content that makes hive look bad

as long as people like him are on this network, it can never grow long as we allow downvotes at all we turn people off to hive

i think this is time to start telling all my friends that hive is a waste of time and to move to proton and where meesteeboom cannot downvote me and where i doubt he will show up and buy $1000 worth of tokens like i have, and by the time he has it will be too expensive anyway

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