Twin flame connecting

Since 12/12/2012, the twin flames have been going through a process through which negative programming, fear and all darkness are cleared of them. This does not mean that you had to meet your twin flame then, but that the energies needed to do connection was activated, calculated from there. This is a three-step process.


In the first part, the most important thing for you is HE, your only true love, the other half of your soul, your twin flame. You put everything aside for him, just to express how much you love him. The other party responds by withdrawing. Although he had always longed for this relationship, he was frightened by its greatness and the fact that it filled everything in his life. The more the other half gets closer to another, that pulls back into the separation.

In the second part, the order of importance changes. Not only one party is retreating, but both. After all, you gave up on yourself to be with him, and that had already swept you into opposition. To regain your balance, you have to find your center, you have to find it back to God. So in this phase, God is most important to you. Here you discover that God is just as there in your companion as in you, in fact; he is there in all his creatures. You give him control so much that you “cease to exist“, that is what you previously believed in yourself ceases to exist.


Because you completely surrendered first to your partner and then to God, there was nothing left of what you believed in yourself. In the third part, this emptying is the entrance. You begin to remember how much what you believed in yourself was part of your true being. You begin to protect yourself from external and internal influences that intend to divert you from what you are. In this phase, you are the most important thing for yourself.

As soon as you have yourself, you realize that your partner is there for you, he has always been there, he only turned away from you until you turned away from who you really are, until you turned away from yourself (you are him, one soul in only two bodies). He is you. While you let yourself be influenced and guided by others. Until you gave control to God.


As I mentioned in a previous post, Vedic meditation is a sacred way to connect twin flames, especially if couples meditate together, because meditation slowly connects two consciousnesses.

Vedic meditation teaches you how to let go. How action-free release works. When you let go of everything completely without any effort, the spirit is revealed. Immortal vigilance. The spirit reveals itself in complete forgiveness, but it does not function on the basis of action. The supposed actor cannot understand the spirit, which is the vigilant unit without action.

Seven years of regular practice of this meditation results in 15 years of biological rejuvenation, 5 years of practice - 10 years of rejuvenation. Complete resetting of the regular nervous system leads to biological rejuvenation. A 50-years-old man has a gray matter of brain state like a 25-years-old if he practice this meditation. It also cleanses the pineal gland, which is responsible for secretion of serotonin and oxytocin.

Meditation creates the coherence of the two hemispheres of the brain, which results with perfect cooperation between intuition and intellect-rational. So life gradually becomes more intuitive. The person will increasingly rely on intuition, on the voice of the heart.

By Richard Sasur

Photos: Instagram

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