11 Myths and Truths about Insomnia - TV Induce Sleepiness

A minor problem may be aggravated by false myths about insomnia and its remedies.

Rest disorders can have over 80 possible causes. Medical statistics show that 30% -50% of the earth's population suffer from insomnia, and 10% of chronic insomnia.

Although many people have difficulty falling asleep or maintaining the status evening sleep until dawn, little resort to a specialist for appropriate treatment. Good information on treating insomnia is the first step towards solving this problem widespread.


1. Insomnia means that a person can not sleep

When a health problem is not understood correctly solving it remains far from being realized. Many people believe that insomnia refers to the inability to fall asleep tonight, but in reality, this diagnosis includes the people who fall asleep easily but wake up repeatedly throughout the night, even when they receive optimal conditions for rest (quiet, dark, etc.).

2. Alcohol helps to treat insomnia

Immediately after it consumed alcohol induces sleepiness accentuated, so it is erroneously associated with a cure for insomnia. Experts say that contradict this myth and drinks based on alcohol facilitates falling asleep, but disrupt sleep throughout the night.

Alcoholic substances induce a state of agitation that cause repeated awakenings every 1-2 hours and dehydrates the body, leading to the need to urinate frequently and drink water to compensate for lost fluids.


3. Insomnia is a psychic problem

While it is true that a number of causes of sleep disorders can be psychological (stress, anxiety, depression etc.), insomnia can be caused by other factors such as improper resting conditions (room stuffy, noise or thermal discomfort), certain diseases that can cause insomnia, side effects of some medications, chronic pain, sleep apnea, digestive disorders, restless leg syndrome or urinary tract infections.


4. TV helps to induce sleepiness

Many people think that sleep easier leaving the TV on before bed, but this effect is usually quite the contrary. Light and noise emitted by a TV or computer stimulates the nervous system and reduce the level of melatonin in the brain, the hormone responsible for sleep. If you can not sleep quietly, use a soothing and relaxing music in the background.


5. Sleep loss can be recovered

Another myth which many people give it credence is that some sleepless hours at a time can be retrieved later by extending opening hours rest. Experts say that this phenomenon compensation is not possible, at least not entirely.

When insufficient sleep three days a week and try to recover sleep on weekends, do nothing to disrupt the biological clock and will predispose to risk of falling asleep more difficult on these nights. The only way you can get rid of fatigue accumulated at a time is to return as soon compliance program healthy recreation, less than 8 hours a night, between 22 pm - 07 am.

6. A nap a day help treat insomnia

Not all people react the same way when they rest during the day. A nap of 10-20 minutes can be refreshing, but when it exceeds this range, certainly affects the ability to fall asleep at a reasonable hour tonight.

In people suffering from insomnia, daytime sleep may be even more harmful, emphasizing the unpleasant symptoms of sleep disorder.

7. People can learn to need less sleep

A dangerous myth, categorically denied medical experts. Everyone is born with a must own the rest, although most people need 7-8 nocturnal sleep to function normally during the day.

While it is possible for someone to wield a low number of hours of rest, train the body will not be able to need only 2 or 3 hours of sleep without side effects. Sleep deprivation affects memory, attention, ability to work, the immune system and reflexes.


8. Lifting the bed helps fight insomnia

This myth is validated by specialists, who say they can help a person who fails to sleep, to get up and perform a relaxing activity. In this way, we can prevent the bed unconscious association with alertness and restlessness.

9. Sleep problems transient in nature

Until we know the exact cause of insomnia that affects the quality of life (stress, some medications, hearty dinners etc.), you can not expect sleep disorders will pass by themselves. If you can not fall asleep in the evening or to enjoy an uninterrupted sleep until morning and wake up to a pronounced state of fatigue, it is necessary to talk with your doctor about possible treatment.


10. A sleepless night followed by one with deep sleep

The apparent logic of this myth is contradicted by specialists. A sleepless night is not always succeeded by one of deep sleep, on the contrary. Agitation-induced exhaustion and worry that you will not be able to sleep again will definitely affect the ability recreation.

11. Sleeping pills are the only treatment for insomnia

There are many people affected by insomnia who refuse to seek treatment for fear of side effects of sleeping pills. In reality, therapeutic alternatives for this problem are numerous, from cognitive behavioral therapy, to relaxation techniques such as meditation. Talk with your doctor about alternative treatments suitable for you if you have difficulty resting.



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