MUMIJO Shilajit Paste ALTAY 100 grams Mumiyo Mumijo Mumio in ECO-GLASS

MUMIJO Shilajit Paste ALTAY 100 grams Mumiyo Mumijo Mumio in ECO-GLASS

Shilajit looks like a solid mass of dark brown and sometimes black, shiny surface of the mass, the taste bitter. Specific gravity - 2.13, soluble in water, leaving no residue in the water becomes thick color strong brewed tea. Shilajit - a therapeutic agent which is capable to treat many diseases, the therapy it affects all vital functions of the organism, all processes. As pharmaceutical drugs usually always about 5-6 chemically combined elements selected and combined in 50 Shilajit components that have been picked up by nature.
To determine the qualitative Shilajit or not, it must mash if Shilajit good quality, it quickly becomes soft enough, and poor-quality Shilajit remain solid as it was. During the process of water evaporation of the solution Shilajit created sticky extract, which burns without any soot and ash leaves 3.5%. In the clash with the air begins to condense Shilajit . Shilajit becomes soft when heated, may become even runny. The mechanism of action of Shilajit is quite complicated, but the fact that it has a special influence on all the work for the rest of the vital activity of the human body, stimulates and increases its various functions.

Useful properties Shilajit
Shilajit - this is without a doubt one of the best tools that can improve the mineral metabolism in the body that could come up with nature. Used in Shilajit promotes salt content, calcium, manganese and phosphorus in the body. It increases the number of red blood cells and increases the amount of hemoglobin, which in turn promotes good blood flow to all organs and tissues, there is stimulation of the entire organism. The huge popularity of the Shilajit in folk medicine holds, of course, thanks to real healing properties that from a scientific point of view is easy to explain the content in it of biologically active substances such as steroids, proteins, fatty acids, which, as it becomes clear, enter into contact with a rather interesting composition and produce a great effect.

As part of the Shilajit has 30 trace elements, 28 chemical elements, 10 metal oxides, 6 amino acids, an impressive number of different vitamins, especially a lot of B vitamins, essential oils, and bee venom. Shilajit in traditional medicine is used as a means of anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic and restorative. Shilajit has properties that can restore reduced function of peripheral nerve trunks, also mummy takes quite active part in DNA synthesis.
Thanks to modern research, it became known that in the present Shilajit fungi that are very similar in their properties with penicillin, thanks to these fungi mummy can act as a safe antibacterial agent in the treatment of a large number of infectious diseases, for example, such as dysentery, tuberculosis, and any diseases that are associated with inflammatory processes.
Shilajit complex composition determines its medicinal properties, as part of the Shilajit there are biologically active substances that are well dilates blood vessels, and this is extremely important in the treatment of hypertension, multiple sclerosis, headaches, heart attack, as well as some diseases that are directly related to metabolic disorders .
When used Shilajit increases the liver's ability to resist toxins, increases its protein synthesis function, and if the liver has been damaged by trauma or toxins, Shilajit will contribute to its regeneration. These same properties Shilajit accelerate the regeneration of damaged nerve trunks, as well as heart muscle and other tissues that have been severely damaged.
Shilajit has the property of good stimulation of human immune system and can stimulate various protective functions of the body. Because of these properties Shilajit quite successfully applied and used now in many kindergartens as a preventive agent for acute respiratory infections, it makes it possible to halve the incidence in preschool institutions even during the flu epidemic. Shilajit can significantly increase the production of antibodies during the formation of specific immunity.

Shilajit of stretch marks

Delightful Shilajit able to return skin elasticity, helps to get rid of stretch marks, as well as their prevention. Powerful regenerating impact that such a substance on the cells, got its recognition in many modern women. Using the Shilajit is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding duration. To prepare this remedy at home, you need to take any baby cream and 4 grams of the Shilajit, which must first be diluted in 1 teaspoon of water, mix well until smooth and place the mixture in a small tightly sealable jar, which will be stored in the refrigerator.
To get results, we recommend to put a cream on problem areas of the body for at least four months. Also it can be rubbed into the preventive measure in the hips, buttocks and breasts. Already one month can be replaced by a significant increase in skin elasticity, and after a full course of treatment, any woman can almost completely get rid of unsightly stretch marks on his body.

Shilajit hair

Regardless of the causes of hair loss, the use of Shilajit gives stunning results. Regular use of funds based on theShilajit has a positive effect, improving the color saturation of the hair and restoring brittle ends. This unique tool is usually used topically in combination with ordinary shampoos. We offer you an effective recipe for restoring the structure of the hair. Take a 10-percent solution of Shilajit and apply it to spray the entire scalp. Approximately one hour composition may be washed off. In case of intensive hair loss and baldness marked this course can be carried out up to 4 weeks.
It is also possible to produce a special tool. Take a small amount of shampoo, 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 gramsShilajit. Apply makeup to the skin and leave for 30 minutes, then wash off with regular shampoo. This provides a powerful means of nourishing tonic effect on hair growth.
Note that has excellent Shilajit intracellular effects on roots, feeding the upper layer of the epidermis, where the hair follicles. This leads to a strong stimulation of dormant follicles, as well as a significant strengthening of hair which are already directly in the growth phase.

Shilajit face

Shilajit of healing can do great facials, which affects its efficiency. This resin is uniquely unusual minerals and bioactive components. Shilajit great fights fading of the skin and the first wrinkles. This amazing blend that consists of organic and inorganic substances, has a powerful rejuvenating effect. To prepare the cream on a universal basis of such a resin, it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of face cream and 14 grams Shilajit. Mix the ingredients. Healing mask is ready. It should be applied before bedtime, leaving on the skin for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. When used regularly, this tool will make your skin glow of health.
For the manufacture of soothing mask, we need 1 teaspoon Shilajit, 2 tablespoons of chamomile field and 100 ml of water. Fill chamomile boiling water and keep the fire for at least three minutes, and then we filter the broth and mix with the resin. Consistency obtain a cream. Apply this mask can be at any time of the day, leaving the face for 15-20 minutes. It can help relieve skin inflammation and fatigue.

Treatment Shilajit

Shilajit in fractures. Long-term studies of modern specialists led to the conclusion that the use of Shilajit contributes to the process of tissue regeneration and callus. When fractures is shown receiving a resin into an empty stomach for about 2 hours before breakfast. To this must be dissolved in water, 0.15 gram of resin. You can drink tea or milk means. The course of treatment should be at least 10 days. If necessary, after a 5-day break course can be repeated. Depending on the nature or severity of the fracture and 6 designate such courses.
This delightful remedy has tremendous stimulating effect on a serious process of healing. Regular intake of this unusual resin significantly reduces the time of fusion of damaged bones. In addition, various Shilajit avoids complications and offsets.
Hemorrhoids. Shilajit to be taken on an empty stomach into the morning and evening, just before bedtime, to 0.2 g It is imperative to lubricate the anus to 4 cm deep into a specially prepared ointment from Shilajit and honey (1: 5-1: 8). Ingest Shilajit need for 25 days, should take a break after a length of 10 days and repeat the treatment. Duration lubrication anal - 3-4 months after the need to take a break length of 1 month. If the disease is strongly running, full cure occurs after 6-8 months of treatment, or possibly sooner. You can achieve a better result if used in conjunction with Shilajit peach butter or cow fat. The proportions should be left unchanged, use it inside and at the same time to lubricate the anus.
Thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis Shilajit to be taken inside by 0.25-0.3 g mixed with milk or honey in the ratio 1:20 twice a day, duration of treatment - 20-25 days. If need be, the course can be repeated after 10 days.Shilajit when used for the treatment of this disease has on the body as follows: reduces swelling in the legs, pain, increases the number of red blood cells, leads to normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increases the level of hemoglobin.
Dyspepsia (heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching). Shilajit diluted in a tablespoon of tea, boiled water, milk or honey. Divorced Shilajit ingested 0.2 grams of morning and evening, before going to bed. The duration of treatment 20-25 days. Healing often occurs after 10-15 days from the start of the reception.
Suppurative otitis media, otitis media, hearing loss. For the treatment of these diseases Shilajit used as drops, which are prepared from Shilajit and oil at a ratio of 1:10. Should be instilled in the morning and in the evening, before bedtime, you can take the Shilajit and inside divorced in milk or honey, to 0.2-0.3 In this case, Shilajit increases the outflow of pus, and also helps to remove the inflammatory process.
Musculo-tuberculous processes (hip, knee, spine). With this illness must take into Shilajit by 0.1-0.2 g once a day for 25 days, you must take a break after 10 days. In this case Shilajit diluted in milk or honey 1:20.
Headache, migraine, vomiting, dizziness, epilepsy, paralysis of the facial nerve. Shilajit taken by 0.2-0.3 g mixed with honey or milk to 1:20 in the morning and in the evening, a few minutes before bedtime. The duration of treatment - 25 days. In the case of neglected disease course may be repeated after 10 days.
Stuttering. In this case must be taken daily Shilajit inwardly in a mixture of 0.2 g of honey in a ratio of 1: 5-1: 8. The duration of treatment of stuttering lasts from 4 to 6 months.
Bleeding from the nose. With this illness Shilajit should be dissolved in camphor alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5-1: 8 and instilled into each nostril in one step 0.2, the need to hold two courses of treatment lasting 25 days each with a 10-day break between them. After treatment stops bleeding.
Bleeding from the lungs. Should take the Shilajit inside of 0.2 g as a syrup prepared with cherry or peach. You can with milk or honey, observing 1:20. It is imperative to take before bedtime, and daily number of reception syrup - 2-3. To cure must spend at least 3-4 courses lasting 25 days with breaks in 10 days. If the disease is in the form of severe, treatment can be continued.
Chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases, sore throat, runny nose, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, cough.Shilajit to be taken inside of 0.2-0.3 g mixing with cow fat and honey or milk in the morning and 1:20 in the evening before bedtime. You can use this mixture as a blurring of the patient, the inflamed area at night or as a gargle for sore throat. The course of treatment lasts 25-28 days, these courses must hold a 1-3, it all depends on the severity of the disease. Be sure between the courses you need to take breaks in the length of 10 days. In bronchial asthmaShilajit taken orally and as a gargle.
Gynecological diseases, defects in tissues of female genital mutilation (erosion of the vaginal wall and cervix) and inflammatory processes. For the treatment should be used before and after the menstrual cloth, well soaked 4% solution of the Shilajit, which is superimposed on the eroded place and fastened with a tampon. Such a course of treatment lasts from 2 to 3 weeks, after which you must take a break of 10 days and then repeat the course. Together with such treatment is best to take more Shilajit with milk and honey to 0.2 g 1 times a day, this will reduce the duration of treatment. During this treatment is strongly recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse. The procedure is best done before bedtime.
Infertility in men and women, the weakening of sexual function, gipospermatogenez (poor-quality seed in men), and so on. N. Shilajit in this case must be taken into 1-2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed at 0,2-0, 3 of Shilajit is best mixed with carrot juice, sea buckthorn or blueberry. The duration of treatment - 25-28 days. The desired result is sometimes achieved by using mummy along with egg yolks with the juice or medical herbs. Noticeable increase in sexual function occurs already at 6-7-day treatment.
Diseases of peripheral nerve trunks, locomotor organs (radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia). In this case, it is best used in the form of a Shilajit 8-10% strength alcoholic solution, rubbing the affected area for 5-6 minutes. The duration of treatment - 20 days. The course may be repeated after 10 days. If at the same time rubbing the inside to take 0.2 grams of Shilajit with milk and honey in a ratio of 1:20, seen rapid relief of pain, reduction of muscle tone inflamed, itching disappears and the other symptoms of the disease.
Periodontal disease (gum disease, teeth, oral mucosa, local inflammatory reactions, and so on. D.). Shilajit should take with milk and honey (or water) in the ratio of 1:20 into 0.2 g 1-2 times a day, be sure to do it before going to bed for 25 days, along with the oral administration can make application solution Shilajit and alcohol (5%).
Eczema limbs. With this disease, it is necessary to sleep for 30-35 minutes to float all the limbs in an aqueous solution of 5-6-nym Shilajit. Together with the need to take into steaming Shilajit currant juice or buckthorn 0.2 g 2 times a day - morning and evening, shortly before bedtime. The duration of treatment - 25 days. Course possible, and in some cases, must be repeated at 10 days interval. This disease requires that treated regularly. Replace poultice can massage and rubbing sore spots, areas of skin solution Shilajit with alcohol and other sea buckthorn oil. This is the best restorative remedy.

Application how to make Shilajit?

Shilajit can be used in solution in water, tea, milk, juices and honey, you can use it also as a lubricating outwardly sick and burying places, and if you mix Shilajit juice, alcohol, honey, or add a Shilajit in the ointment. In the treatment of Shilajit in any case can not be used any alcohol and drugs. It is worth recalling that the Shilajit, if taken in large doses, becomes toxic, for this reason, you must be sure to strictly follow the recipes.
Shilajit is used in traditional medicine for treatment of various diseases such as gastric ulcer, gastro-intestinal tract, digestive organs and the urinary bladder. Drink Shilajit best fasted morning and evening, more precisely, at bedtime, in other words, two times a day. The duration of treatment - 25-28 days.
If the disease being treated Shilajit was badly run, the course should be repeated 10 days after the first treatment. The required amount for a single reception Shilajit - 0.2-0.5 g, depending on the body weight: 70 kg - 0.2 g to 80 kg - 0.3 g to 90 kg - 0,3-0, 4 g, more than 90 kg - 0.4-0.5, the best thing Shilajit milk plant (1:20) or water to taste, you can add honey to drink, and Shilajit can be diluted in various juices such as grape, cucumber , or infusions of herbs such as blueberries, thyme, parsley. Shilajit and diluted in egg yolks.
When there is a mummy treatment, it is important to follow a diet and moderately consume food. During this period, the use of alcohol is strictly forbidden!
How to take the Shilajit? Shilajit is prescribed for a variety of diseases and problems. In the manufacture of medicinal solutions is strictly forbidden to expose them to heat treatment. It should be noted that the earlier the treatment is the beginning of such a resin, the better the effect of its admission. Before complex surgery is recommended for 7 days begin receiving solution Shilajit. In chronic illnesses should apply this remedy into a short course for 14 days. With gastrointestinal problems such solution is shown receiving daily on an empty stomach, starting with 5 drops. Dosage should be gradually brought up to 10 drops.
For the preparation of this excellent means necessary to take 20 grams of Shilajit and dissolve it in 500 ml of warm water. Do not forget that during treatment with such an amazing mixture of alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.

Shilajit children

Natural remedy Shilajit - a storehouse of minerals. If you do not exceed the prescribed dosage, such unmatched resin will not bring absolutely no harm to the child. Should strictly adhere to the following standards: from 3 months to one year - no more than 0.02 grams; from 1 to 9 years - 0.05 grams; from 9 to 14 years - 0.1 grams. To be accepted into the Shilajit should be diluted in water at the rate of 5 grams per 1 gram per 4 tablespoons of water. In one teaspoon of solution contains 0.1 grams Shilajit. The resulting product must be stored in the refrigerator and used for up to 10 days from the date of preparation.
Children it is shown for sprains, fractures, muscle strain, as well as severe bruising. Toothache should stretch myShilajit 0.1 grams and apply the mixture on the affected tooth. When dermatoses can use a concentrated solution ofShilajit - 20 grams Shilajit to a pint of water. Such an agent is recommended to wipe the affected skin.

Shilajit slimming

Healing resin Shilajit promotes effective weight loss because stimulates metabolism. Acceleration of the slow exchange process is based on the high content of essential trace elements in the resin composition. The course of treatment should not be less than 20 days. Should take 0.2 grams Shilajit twice a day. Regular use will help to normalize the electrolyte metabolism and helps the body get rid of the main body of unwanted fat reserves.
Shilajit is able in a short time to fill the deficiency of important substances at a cellular level, due to which there is retention of harmful substances and toxins in the body.
During the three-week course refuse alcohol and high-fat food, preferring the fruit. It should be noted that this weight loss is contraindicated in pregnancy, and it can not be assigned to a child younger than 12 years.

Contraindications Shilajit

It is known that Shilajit - low-toxic remedy if it is taken inside from 30 mg / kg led subcutaneously or intravenously 4% solution in an amount of 250 mg / kg. If even do it for a very long time, for example, 60 days, Shilajit has been shown to cause any toxic effects. So we can say for sure: the Shilajit is not toxic, even if it is introduced into the body constantly.
Nowadays Shilajit is widely used for the treatment of diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems, as well as parasitic diseases in countries such as China, Korea and India.

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