Benefits of Massage

As a massage therapist one of the most common misunderstandings I run into is that massage is just for relaxation. It is commonly seen as a luxury. This is only partly true. Yes it can be very relaxing and is a luxury in the sense that it is more readily available to those of us in a first world country, but that is only part of the big picture. A well trained and dedicated massage therapist can help with many issues. Virtually any pain anywhere in the body can be treated with massage. In many cases where pain or tension is reducing range of motion (ROM) once the pain or tension is reduced ROM begins to increase. These treatments in combination with dedicated self care exercises or stretches can have profoundly positive impact on the body. There are also psychological benefits too. Scientists have found that a simple caring touch from another person can reduce stress, anxiety and even depression. Many companies that provide health care coverage include massage therapy in their coverage. If you are not getting massages you are likely missing out on something that could have a very positive influence on your quality of life.

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